TEDS Data Dictionary

18 Year Measures

Contents of this page:


The tables below summarise the measures used in the 18 Year questionnaire and web studies. In each table, measures are listed in the order that they appear: by page number in the questionnaire, and in battery order in the web studies. The number of items in each measure is shown, but note that some of the questionnaire items have two or more parts, giving two or more item variables, while each web test item generally gives rise to several item variables.

No measures are listed for the 18 year twin contact study, because this was a collection of contact details purely for administrative purposes - data from this study does not form part of the analysis dataset.

The final column of each table shows derived variables that are related to each measure; each variable name here is a link that will take you to the relevant paragraph in the 18 Year derived variables page.

Questionnaire Measures

The table below refers to the cohort 4 version of the 18 year twin questionnaire (pdf). Note that slight changes were made between the cohort 1 and cohort 2 versions (pdfs), and a new section of questions was added in cohort 3 (pdf), which was then slightly modified for cohort 4. For more detailed descriptions of the main post-16 qualification types, see the 18 year exam results page.

Note that qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are subject to frequent changes. Many qualifications described in the links may now differ from those taken in the past by TEDS twins. If you find that any of the links below are broken, please contact TEDS.

Page No. of items Description of measure References Related scales
1 3 Background questions Questions devised by TEDS -
2 1 Post-16 qualifications The National Archives web site contains archive copies of Ofqual (Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation) pages explaining some of the most common qualifications: Current A and AS levels are described by the awarding bodies: AQA, OCR, Edexcel (Pearson) and WJEC.

Other qualification types are described on the web sites of their awarding bodies, for example: All accredited qualification types can be referenced at Ofqual (the register of regulated qualifications).
Post-16 qualification status:
(derived from all qualification variables in this section)
up to 6 GCE A-level and AS-level results Subject grades for A- and AS-levels:
rcqalchem1/2, rcqaschem1/2, rcqalphys1/2, rcqasphys1/2, rcqalbiol1/2, rcqasbiol1/2, etc
A and AS level composites:
rcqaln1/2, rcqasn1/2, rcqalgrdm1/2, rcqalsgrdm1/2, rcqalpsct1/2, rcqalspsct1/2
(numbers of grades, mean grades, point scores)
up to 3 Level 3 NVQ, BTEC and Diploma results Estimated UCAS total point score: rcqucast1/2
(derived from A/AS-levels and from Level 3 BTEC, Diploma, NVQ and EPQ results)
(open-ended) Any other post-16 qualifications -
3 7 Higher Education Questions devised by TEDS -
4 4 Employment or Apprenticeship Questions devised by TEDS -
14 Past School Information [included in cohorts 3 and 4 only] Questions devised by TEDS School type (at GCSE): rcqsctypg

Perception Study Measures

The table below describes web activities in the Perception study. For more detailed descriptions, see the Perception web activities summary or follow links in the table.

Activity names No. of items Description of measure References Related scales
Face perception test

CFMT: Cambridge Face Memory Test
72 This is the published CFMT measure, using the original items but in a novel web implementation that was custom-made for the TEDS Perception study.
For a full description of this test, see the Face perception web test page.
Duchaine, B. and Nakayama, K. (2006). 'The Cambridge Face Memory Test: Results for neurologically intact individuals and an investigation of its validity using inverted face stimuli and prosopagnosic participants.' Neuropsychologia 44 (4), 576-585. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2005.07.001 Test duration: rcpfctime1/2
Median item response time: rcpfctmd1/2
ASP: Aspects of Social Perception

(Perception questionnaire)
24 This is a novel measure consisting of 24 simple questions relating to various aspects of social and non-social perception. For a full description of this activity, see the Perception questionnaire page. Questions devised by Nic Shakeshaft and Kerry Schofield. Activity duration: rcpasptime1/2
CCMT: Cambridge Car Memory Test

(Cars perception test)
72 This is the published CCMT measure, using the original items but in a novel web implementation that was custom-made for the TEDS Perception study.
For a full description of this test, see the Cars perception web test page.
Dennett, H.W., McKone, E., Tavashmi, R., Hall, A., Pidcock, M., Edwards, M. and Duchaine, B. (2012). 'The Cambridge Car Memory Test: A task matched in format to the Cambridge Face Memory Test, with norms, reliability, sex differences, dissociations from face memory, and expertise effects.' Behavior Research Methods 44 (2), 587-605. doi: 10.3758/s13428-011-0160-2 Test duration: rcpcrtime1/2
Median item response time: rcpcrtmd1/2

Bricks Study Measures

Activity names No. of items Description of measure References Related scales
SPAA: Self-Perceived Ability and Anxiety questionnaire 35
  1. native language of twin (1 item)
  2. spatial ability (8 items)
  3. spatial anxiety (10 items)
  4. maths anxiety (9 items)
  5. general anxiety (7 items)
  1. Devised by the TEDS team
  2. Devised by the TEDS team
  3. Devised by the TEDS team, drawing loosely on Lawton, C. A. (1994). Gender differences in way-finding strategies: Relationship to spatial ability and spatial anxiety. Sex Roles, 30, 765-779.
  4. Adapted from Hopko, D.R., Magadevan, R., Bare, R.L. and Hunt, M.K. (2003). The Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale (AMAS): construction, validity, and reliability. Assessment, 10(2), 178-82. The original wording of these questions was aimed at school pupils, so the items were adapted to make them more generally applicable.
  5. Löwe, B., Decker, O., Müller, M.S., Brähler, E., Schellberg, D., Herzog, W. and Herzberg, P.Y. (2008). Validation and Standardization of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Screener (GAD-7) in the General Population. Med Care, 46(3), 266-274.
  1. -
  2. rcbspsabm1/2
  3. rcbspsnxm1/2
  4. rcbspmnxm1/2
  5. rcbspgnxm1/2
Bricks 2D Rotation subtest 12 In each item of this subtest, twins must select the response image which matches the target image rotated in 2 dimensions.

All subtests devised by Nic Shakeshaft.

The Bricks tests are intended to measure two (putative) aspects of spatial ability: mental rotation and visualisation. These are measured separately and together, using both 2D and 3D stimuli, to form a battery of six subtests. Each item presents a 'target' stimulus and four 'response' stimuli, and participants are asked to select the response image which shows the same object as shown in the target.

See Bricks subtests for a full description of each subtest including images.

Subtest score: rcb2rtot1/2
Subtest duration: rcb2rtime1/2
Mean item response time: rcb2rtmn1/2
Bricks 2D Rotation and Visualisation subtest 12 Similar to the previous subtest, except that the response and target images are partially obscured by a black occluding shape. Subtest score: rcb2rvtot1/2
Subtest duration: rcb2rvtime1/2
Mean item response time: rcb2rvtmn1/2
Bricks 2D Visualisation subtest 12 Similar to the previous subtest, except that the response and target images are in the same position while the occluding shape is rotated in 2 dimensions. Subtest score: rcb2vtot1/2
Subtest duration: rcb2vtime1/2
Mean item response time: rcb2vtmn1/2
Bricks 3D Rotation and Visualisation subtest 12 In each item of this subtest, twins must select the response image which matches the target image rotated in 3 dimensions. Subtest score: rcb3rvtot1/2
Subtest duration: rcb3rvtime1/2
Mean item response time: rcb3rvtmn1/2
Bricks 3D Rotation subtest 12 Similar to the previous subtest, except that the viewpoint of the object, not the object itself, is rotated in 3 dimensions. Subtest score: rcb3rtot1/2
Subtest duration: rcb3rtime1/2
Mean item response time: rcb3rtmn1/2
Bricks 3D Visualisation subtest 12 The target is a wireframe diagram of a 3-dimensional object, and the correct response is the solid version of the same object. Subtest score: rcb3vtot1/2
Subtest duration: rcb3vtime1/2
Mean item response time: rcb3vtmn1/2

Kings Challenge Study Measures

Activity names No. of items Description of measure References Related scales
Cross-sections 15 Participants are asked to identify the shape that the cutting plane will produce when cutting through several symmetrical solids. The plane can cut the solid vertically, horizontally or obliquely.
See the cross-sections test page for more details.
Ormand, C. J., Shipley, T. F., Tikoff, B., Manduca, C. A., Dutrow, B., Goodwin, L., Hickson, T., Atit, K., Gagnier, K. M., & Resnick, I. (2013). Improving Spatial Reasoning Skills in the Undergraduate Geoscience Classroom Through Interventions Based on Cognitive Science Research. Talk presented at the AAPG Hedberg Conference on 3D Structural Geologic Interpretation. Test status: rckcsstat1/2
Test data flag: rckcsdata1/2
Test duration: rckcstime1/2
Mean item response time: rckcstmn1/2
2D drawing 5 Participants are asked to draw the viewpoint indicated in the picture of the 3D solid as ‘front’. The drawing that participants should produce is a 2D viewpoint of the 3D shape.
See the 2D drawing test page for more details.
'3D to 2D viewpoints' task, adapted from Engage Students in Engineering site: http://www.wskc.org/documents/281621/307751/ENGAGE_SV_Sample_quiz_on_modules_3_4_and_5.pdf/c3df8086-b535-4ad3-a669-e55be8168820?version=1.0 Coded item responses: rck2dXan1/2
Test status: rck2dstat1/2
Test data flag: rck2ddata1/2
Test duration: rck2dtime1/2
Mean item response time: rck2dtmn1/2
Pattern assembly 15 Participants are asked to identify the shape that is made up of a set of polygonal component parts presented in the stimulus; these parts are labelled with letters indicating where they should be joined.
See the pattern assembly test page for more details.
Spatial reasoning section 1 in the "How2become" booklet of spatial reasoning tests (https://www.how2become.com/testing/spatial-reasoning-tests/). Originally 40 items. Test status: rckpastat1/2
Test data flag: rckpadata1/2
Test duration: rckpatime1/2
Mean item response time: rckpatmn1/2
Elithorn mazes 10 Participants are asked to trace their route on each one of the triangular grids presented . The aim of the task is to trace the route passing through the largest possible number of black dots. The task is computerised such that a line moves automatically upwards from the bottom part of the shape (the point of the triangle); at each junction on the grid, the participant can make the line move left or right but cannot go backwards. It is not possible to collect all the dots in the grid.
See the elithorn mazes test page for more details.
Test of spatial planning ability included as a process subtest of the WISC-IV Integrated. The original test included more items including rectangular grids, and was designed for paper-and-pencil testing.

Elithorn, A. (1955). A preliminary report on a perceptual maze test sensitive to brain damage. J. neurol. neurosurg. Psychiat, 18, 287-292.
Coded item responses: rckemXXan1/2
Test status: rckemstat1/2
Test data flag: rckemdata1/2
Test duration: rckemtime1/2
Mechanical reasoning 16 Conventional multiple-choice test questions, illustrated by images, on the theme of mechanical reasoning.
See the mechanical reasoning test page for more details.
Harcourt Assessment (1995), DAT for Selection-Technical Abilities Battery. Pearson Assessment: London.
Wiesen, J. (2009), Barron’s Mechanical Aptitude and Spatial Relations Test, 2nd edition, Barron’s Educational Series
Test status: rckmrstat1/2
Test data flag: rckmrdata1/2
Test duration: rckmrtime1/2
Mean item response time: rckmrtmn1/2
Paper folding 15 Participants are shown a set of stimulus images depicting a sheet of paper folded several times. The last image of the sequence includes a dot. This dot represents a hole that is punched through all the thicknesses of the paper at that point. Participants are asked to identify which one of the 5 response images shows where the holes will be when the paper is completely unfolded (by reversing the specific steps shown).
See the paper folding test page for more details.
University of Otago, New Zealand:
http://www.cs.otago.ac.nz/brace/resources/Paper%20Folding%20Test%20Vz-2-BRACE%20Version%2007.pdf (originally 20 items)
Test status: rckpfstat1/2
Test data flag: rckpfdata1/2
Test duration: rckpftime1/2
Mean item response time: rckpftmn1/2
3D drawing 7 Participants are presented with a coded plan elevation view of a 3D object constructed from cubic bricks. They are asked to draw the 3D object corresponding to the plan, as an isometric projection on a grid of dots.
See the 3D drawing test page for more details.
'3D to 2D drawing' task, adapted from Engage Students in Engineering site: http://www.wskc.org/documents/281621/307751/ENGAGE_SV_Sample_quiz_on_modules_3_4_and_5.pdf/c3df8086-b535-4ad3-a669-e55be8168820?version=1.0. Coded item responses: rck3dXan1/2
Test status: rck3dstat1/2
Test data flag: rck3ddata1/2
Test duration: rck3dtime1/2
Mean item response time: rck3dtmn1/2
Shape rotation 15 Participants are asked to identify which one of the answer figures (A - E) is the same object as in the two-dimensional question figure, but rotated.
See the shape rotation test page for more details.
Spatial reasoning section 1 in the "How2become" booklet
(https://www.how2become.com/testing/spatial-reasoning-tests/). Originally 19 items.
Test status: rcksrstat1/2
Test data flag: rcksrdata1/2
Test duration: rcksrtime1/2
Mean item response time: rcksrtmn1/2
Perspective-taking 15 Participants are presented with an image of a transparent cube containing an irregular polygon suspended in the middle of the cube. The same polygon is also presented outside the cube from a different viewpoint. Participants are asked to indicate on which corner of the cube they would have to stand if they were seeing the polygon from the new viewpoint.
See the perspective taking test page for more details.
Hegarty, M., Keehner, M., Khooshabeh, P., & Montello, D. R. (2009). How spatial abilities enhance, and are enhanced by, dental education. Learning and Individual Differences, 19(1), 61-70.
Keehner, M., Hegarty, M., Cohen, C. A., Khooshabeh, P., & Montello, D. R. (2008). Spatial reasoning with external visualizations: What matters is what you see, not whether you interact. Cognitive Science, 32(7), 1099–1132.
Test status: rckptstat1/2
Test data flag: rckptdata1/2
Test duration: rckpttime1/2
Mean item response time: rckpttmn1/2
Mazes 10 Participants are presented with a series of mazes, each with multiple ways in and out, but with only one valid route connecting one of the entrances to one of the exits. Participants are asked to look at the map of each maze and choose from the options available the entrance and exit that would connect the valid route through the maze.
See the mazes test page for more details.
Developed by the TEDS team of researchers. Test status: rckmastat1/2
Test data flag: rckmadata1/2
Test duration: rckmatime1/2
Mean item response time: rckmatmn1/2

The web activities in Navigation were unlike conventional web tests, and were labelled as 'missions'. There were 30 missions, comprising 5 each of 6 different mission types (effectively 6 types of test). Missions were further subdivided into 'tasks', although some types of mission had only one task. In some types of mission, more than one attempt was allowed at completing each task. Hence it is difficult to categorise the activities in terms of 'items', although the nearest equivalent is a task.

All activities were set within a virtual world on screen, depicting a small town or city, through which the participant could navigate using the mouse or keyboard arrow keys. A demonstration video gives an idea of the virtual world and the tasks involved.

Mission type No. of missions No. of tasks per mission No. of attempts per task Description of measure References Related scales
Orientation directon 5 6 (missions 1, 3, 4, 5)
or 4 (mission 2)
3 In each of these missions, the participant was required to navigate to a pre-determined destination in the virtual city, by following a series of written instructions. Each instruction or direction, corresponding to one of the component tasks, was given in terms of compass points north, south, east and west.

See the orientation direction mission page for more details.
Developed by the TEDS team of researchers. Mission status: rcnodXstat1/2, rcnodXdata1/2
Mission time: rcnodXtime1/2
Recoded attempt outcomes: rcnodXtYaZr1/2
Task accuracy scores: rcnodXtYas1/2
Mission accuracy scores: rcnodXas1/2
Overall accuracy score: rcnodas1/2
Mission speed scores: rcnodXss1/2
Overall speed score: rcnodss1/2
Mission total scores: rcnodXts1/2
Overall total score: rcnodts1/2
Orientation landmarks 5 5 (missions 2, 3, 4, 5)
or 4 (mission 1)
1 In an orientation landmark mission, the participant was required to navigate to a series of 4 or 5 pre-determined destinations (the tasks) within the virtual city, in each case by following a written instruction. Each instruction or direction was given in terms of descriptive features of the destination and other nearby landmarks.

See the orientation landmarks mission page for more details.
Developed by the TEDS team of researchers. Mission status: rcnolXstat1/2, rcnolXdata1/2
Mission time: rcnolXtime1/2
Recoded task outcomes: rcnolXtYr1/2
Task accuracy scores: rcnolXtYas1/2
Mission accuracy scores: rcnolXas1/2
Overall accuracy score: rcnolas1/2
Mission speed scores: rcnolXss1/2
Overall speed score: rcnolss1/2
Mission total scores: rcnolXts1/2
Overall total score: rcnolts1/2
Map reading no memory 5 1 2 In each of these missions, the participant was required to navigate to a pre-determined destination in the virtual city, by reading a map that was shown on screen. The map remained on screen throughout, hence "no memory" was required of the map details.

See the map reading mission page for more details.
Developed by the TEDS team of researchers. Mission status: rcnmnXstat1/2, rcnmnXdata1/2
Mission time: rcnmnXtime1/2
Recoded attempt outcomes: rcnmnXaZr1/2
Mission accuracy scores: rcnmnXas1/2
Overall accuracy score: rcnmnas1/2
Mission speed scores: rcnmnXss1/2
Overall speed score: rcnmnss1/2
Mission total scores: rcnmnXts1/2
Overall total score: rcnmnts1/2
Map reading with memory 5 1 2 In each of these missions, the participant was required to navigate to a pre-determined destination in the virtual city, by reading a map that was shown on screen. The map was only displayed for an initial stimulus period, before any movement could begin, and hence the participant was required to memorise either the map or their intended route (hence the title "with memory").

See the map reading mission page for more details.
Developed by the TEDS team of researchers. Mission status: rcnmwXstat1/2, rcnmwXdata1/2
Mission time: rcnmwXtime1/2
Recoded attempt outcomes: rcnmwXaZr1/2
Mission accuracy scores: rcnmwXas1/2
Overall accuracy score: rcnmwas1/2
Mission speed scores: rcnmwXss1/2
Overall speed score: rcnmwss1/2
Mission total scores: rcnmwXts1/2
Overall total score: rcnmwts1/2
Perspective 5 1 4 In each of these missions, the participant was initially shown a stimulus image depicting a target object within the virtual city. The participant was then required to find and click on the target object. The perspective of the stimulus image was from a more distant raised viewpoint, relative to the street-level perspective of the participant when seeking the target. When seeking the target, the participant's perspective could be rotated through 360 degrees but could not move horizontally at street level.

See the perspective mission page for more details.
Developed by the TEDS team of researchers. Mission status: rcnpsXstat1/2, rcnpsXdata1/2
Mission time: rcnpsXtime1/2
Recoded attempt outcomes: rcnpsXaZr1/2
Mission accuracy scores: rcnpsXas1/2
Overall accuracy score: rcnpsas1/2
Mission speed scores: rcnpsXss1/2
Overall speed score: rcnpsss1/2
Mission total scores: rcnpsXts1/2
Overall total score: rcnpsts1/2
Scanning 5 1 4 In each of these missions, the participant was required to find and click on a small target object (depicted as a black briefcase) located somewhere nearby within the virtual city. When seeking the target, the participant's perspective could be rotated through 360 degrees but could not move horizontally at street level.

See the scanning mission page for more details.
Developed by the TEDS team of researchers. Mission status: rcnscXstat1/2, rcnscXdata1/2
Mission time: rcnscXtime1/2
Recoded attempt outcomes: rcnscXaZr1/2
Mission accuracy scores: rcnscXas1/2
Overall accuracy score: rcnscas1/2
Mission speed scores: rcnscXss1/2
Overall speed score: rcnscss1/2
Mission total scores: rcnscXts1/2
Overall total score: rcnscts1/2

FFMP Study Measures

The questionnaire items are described in detail in the FFMP questionnaire (pdf) and in the FFMP study page. Note that each "section" in the table below corresponds to a block of items that were submitted together on the web server.

Section Activity names No. of items Description of measure References Related scales
Background Height and weight 2 Height and weight recorded using a choice of imperial or metric units - Metric height and weight: rcfbghtcm1/2, rcfbgwtkg1/2;
raw units used: rcfbghtunit1/2, rcfbgwtunit1/2
General self-evaluation 3 Evalution of weight, and whether fashion- and music-conscious Items devised by Andrea Smith Section duration: rcfbgtime1/2
Fashion preferences Liking of styles 8 Rate liking of 8 specific fashion styles Measure devised by Andrea Smith, on the same pattern as the music preferences measure (see below). Images presenting visual collages of the given style accompanied each question: these images are shown in the FFMP questionnaire page. -
Ranking of styles 1 Rank the 8 styles in preference order Section duration: rcffastime1/2
Food preferences, part 1 Diet 2 Evaluation of healthy diet and special dietary requirements Items devised by Andrea Smith -
Allergies 12 Allergies to specific food items Items devised by Andrea Smith Other allergies: rcffd1aloth1/2
Food preference ratings 38 Rate preferences for specific foods. Adapted from the Food Preferences Checklist, updated to be more relevant to young adults and to include more modern common foods; and with composite foods removed. (1) Breen, F. M., Plomin, R., & Wardle, J. (2006). Heritability of food preferences in young children. Physiology & Behavior, 88(4-5), 443–7. doi:10.1016/j.physbeh.2006.04.016
(2) Fildes, A., van Jaarsveld, C. H. M., Llewellyn, C. H., Fisher, A., Cooke, L., & Wardle, J. (2014). Nature and nurture in children’s food preferences. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 99(4), 911–7. doi:10.3945/ajcn.113.077867
(3) Wardle, J., Sanderson, S., Leigh Gibson, E., & Rapoport, L. (2001). Factor-analytic structure of food preferences in four-year-old children in the UK. Appetite, 37(3), 217–23. doi:10.1006/appe.2001.0423
Section duration: rcffd1time1/2
Food preferences, part 2 Food preference ratings 31 Section duration: rcffd2time1/2
Food preferences, part 3 Drink preference ratings 17 Rate preferences for specific drinks, including preferences for different types of tea and coffee Items devised by Andrea Smith -
Food preferences 4 Items relating to liking for specific groups of foods Items devised by Andrea Smith Section duration: rcffd3time1/2
Music preferences Liking of genres 10 Rate liking of 10 specific music genres. Adapted from the Short Test Of Music Preferences (STOMP). Rentfrow, P. J., & Gosling, S. D. (2003). The do re mi's of everyday life: The structure and personality correlates of music preferences. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84(6), 1236-1256.

STOMP measure: http://www.sjdm.org/dmidi/files/Rentfrow_&_Gosling_(2003)_STOMP.pdf
Ranking of genres 1 Rank the 10 music genres in preference order Section duration: rcfmustime1/2