TEDS Data Dictionary

3 Year Measures

Contents of this page:


The tables below summarise the measures used in the 3 Year booklets. Each measure is identified by the booklet heading and pages, and by informal or formal names and descriptions. The number of items in each measure is shown, but note that some of these items have two or more parts, giving two or more item variables.

The final column of each table shows dataset scales that are related to each measure; each variable name here is a link that will take you to the relevant item in the 3 Year derived variables page.

Measures in the Child Booklet

Refer to the child booklet (pdf) for the section headings and page numbers referred to in this table. The annotated child booklet (pdf) shows item variable names and coding.

Booklet section, pages No. of items Description of measure References Related scales
Find the Pair
(pages not numbered)
16 Parent-Administered PARCA: Oddity task (or Odd-One-Out, or Find the Pair).
Items 1-14 are based on the Odd-Man-Out part of the Bayley Scales; items 15-16 were added by Franky Happe and Bonny Oliver.
Bayley, N. (1993): Bayley Scales of Infant Development, 2nd Edition; San Antonio, TX: Psychological Corporation. coddt1/2
(pages not numbered)
6 Parent-Administered PARCA: Design drawing task
(including handedness questions for the last 3 items)
Based on McCarthy scales.
McCarthy, D. (1972): McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities; New York: The Psychological Corporation. Total score: cdrawt1/2

Handedness: chand1/2, chands1/2,
cleft1/2, cright1/2, ctoleft1/2, ctorigh1/2
(pages not numbered)
16 Parent-Administered PARCA: Matching task. Bayley, N. (1993): Bayley Scales of Infant Development, 2nd Edition; San Antonio, TX: Psychological Corporation. cmatcht1/2

Totals for Parent-Administered Parca: cadparc1/2, cadparn1/2
Your Child Playing Our Games
(pages not numbered; items repeated at the end of each of the three tests above)
4 on each page BRAT (Behavioural Responses After Task) Derived from items by Michael Lewis; contact Kirby Deater-Deckard. -
Your Child's Health,
page 1
15 Items 1-10: specific medical problems
Item 11: learning disability
Items 12-15: visits to GP or hospital, and surgery
Items by Jim Stephenson -
Your Child's Diet,
page 2
13 Diet,
Heights and weights (parents as well as twin)
Items by Jane Wardle Heights:
ccht1/2, cfht1/2, cmht1/2
ccwt1/2, cfwt1/2, cmwt1/2
ccbmi1/2, cfbmi1/2, cmbmi1/2
Parent BMI categories:
cfbmcat1/2, cmbmcat1/2
Your Child At Home,
pages 3-4
52 Behaviour trait measures
  • 44 items: Behar. These include the 43 Behar items used at age 2, with one additional item from the same source (the Romanian Study). See below and reference (1).
  • 5 items: ARBQ (Anxiety-Related Behaviours Questionnaire). Item numbers in the booklet are 6, 30, 34, 39, 45. Documentation shows that these were originally added by Thalia Eley and Tom O'Connor. Subsequently, they have been labelled as ARBQ and published in reference (2).
  • 3 items: hyperactivity items added by Eric Taylor (no reference). Item numbers are 8, 12, 38.
As at age 2 (see 2 Year measures), the Behar items were originally adapted or authored by Lisa Davies for the Romanian Study, also at KCL; and many (but not all) of the items were in turn adapted from the published Behar Preschool Behaviour Questionnaire (reference 1). Contemporary documentation refers to two Romanian Study measures: (a) the Revised Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (29 items, numbered 1, 3, 7, 10, 11, 16, 18, 21, 22, 23, 25, 28, 29, 31-33, 35, 37, 40-44, 46-52 in the booklet); and (b) the Revised Behar (15 items, numbered 2, 4, 5, 9, 13-15, 17, 19, 20, 23, 24, 26, 27, 36).
(1) Behar, L. B. (1977): The Preschool Behavior Questionnaire; Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 5, 265–275.
(2) Eley, T.C., Bolton, D., O’Connor, T.G., Perrin, S., Smith, P. and Plomin, R. (2003). A twin study of anxiety related behaviours in pre-school children. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 44: 945-960.

A detailed account of the sources of items is given in the behaviour measures at ages 2, 3 and 4 (pdf).
ARBQ scales:
canxshyt1/2, canxfeart1/2, canxt1/2
SDQ-comparable Behar scales:
csdqcbeht1/2, csdqccont1/2, csdqcemot1/2, csdqchypt1/2, csdqcpert1/2, csdqcprot1/2
Overall Behar scales:
ccont1/2, cemot1/2, chypt1/2, cprot1/2
Your Child At Play,
pages 5-6
24 Parent-Reported PARCA
(conceptual knowledge).
Some items were adapted from existing parent questionnaires or based on developmental test items. Other items are original material from the TEDS team.
(1) Bricker, D., Squires, J., Mounts, L. (1995): Ages and Stages Questionnaires: a parent-completed, child-monitoring system; Baltimore, MD: Brooks.
(2) Elliott, C.D. (1990): Differential Ability Scales; San Antonio, TX: Psychological Corporation.
(3) Ireton, H., Thwing, E. (1974): The Minnesota Child Development Inventory; Minneapolis MN: Behaviour Science Systems.
(4) Reuter, J., Bickett, L. (1985): The Kent Infant Development Scale Manual, 2nd Edition; Kent, OH: Kent Developmental Metrics.
(5) Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence - revised UK edition; New York: Psychological Corporation.
(6) Frankenburg, W.K., Dodds, J.B., Fandal, A.W. (1973): Denver Developmental Screening Test: manual/workbook for nursing and paramedical personnel; University of Colorado Medical Center.

Total Parca composite (including parent-administered and parent-reported): cparca1/2
What Your Child Can Say,
page 7
102 (1) Child is not talking yet: 1 item
(2) Expressive vocabulary: 100 items.
(3) Child is combining words: 1 item
Anglicised and adapted from the MCDI:

(1) Fenson, L., Pethick, S., Cox, J.L. (1994): The MacArthur Communicative Development Inventories: short form versions; unpublished manuscript: San Diego State University.
(2) Fenson, L. et al (1994): Variability in early communicative development; Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 59, 1-173.
How Children Use Words,
page 8
24 (1) Sentence complexity: 12 items
(2) Word Use: 12 items

Standardised cognitive composites (including Parca and MCDI scores): crawg1/2, cscnv1/2, cscv1/2
Your Child's Communication,
page 9
8 Items added by Philip Dale and Dorothy Bishop -
Your Active Child,
pages 10-11
24 Gender Roles Golombek, S., Rust, J. (1993): The Measurement of Gender Role Behaviour in Pre-School Children: a research note; Journal Child Psychol. Psychiat., 34, 805-811.
(contact Melissa Hines)
cfemale1/2, cgender1/2, cmale1/2

Measures in the Parent Booklet

Refer to the annotated parent booklet (pdf) for the section headings and page numbers referred to in this table, and for item variable names and value coding.

Booklet section, pages No. of items Description of measure References Related scales
(inside front cover) 6 Contact details for a relative or friend Included for admin reasons, to help with tracing in case of address problem. -
Consent form
(first page, not numbered)
14 Confirmation of parent's name and address, and twin names and birth dates
and signed consent
Included for admin reasons, to confirm contact details and as proof of consent. -
Is There Anything New To Tell Us,
pages 1-2
7 Marital status,
New siblings,
Mother's pregnancy,
Job changes,
Serious illness/accident
Requested by all collaborators, for demographic and background information Life events composite:
Your Twins Day To Day,
pages 3-6
18 (1) Dressing the twins, play group, putting twins to bed, twins apart from each other, twins identical or non-identical (items 1-2, 4-5, 17) added by the Multiple Births Foundation
(2) Breast feeding (item 3) requested by all collaborators
(3) Sleep, nappies and potty-training (items 6-16) added for the Butler bladder control sub-study
- -
Your Twins: Identical or Non-Identical,
pages 7-9
18 Zygosity questionnaire, slightly modified from Goldsmith Goldsmith, H.H. (1991): A zygosity questionnaire for young twins: a research note; Behaviour Genetics, 21, 257-269. Blood groups:
czyfac, czytyp
Zygosity algorithm:
calg2zy, calgzyg
Your Twins' Hearing,
page 10
8 Hearing-related problems Items added by Mark Haggard for the Hearing sub-study -
Twins' Early Experiences,
pages 11-13
17 Adapted from HOME (Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment):
(1) How you talk to your twins: items 1-8
(2) Your twins' play: items 9-17
(contact Alex Cutting or Kirby Deater-Deckard)
Caldwell, B.M., Bradley, R.H. (1984): Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment, revised edition; University of Arkansas, Little Rock, Arkansas Standardised twin-specific items: ctbook1/2, cteat1/2, ctloca1/2, ctpron1/2, ctrhym1/2, ctsent1/2, cttalk1/2, ctword1/2, cgboard1/2, cgbooks1/2, cgmessy1/2, cgmusi1/2, cgphys1/2, cgpuzz1/2, cgtapes1/2, cgzoo1/2, cgmessy1/2, cgmusi1/2, cgphys1/2, cgpuzz1/2, cgtapes1/2, cgzoo1/2

Talking to twins composites:
ctfac11/2, ctfac21/2
Twins' play/games composites:
cgfac11/2, cgfac21/2, cggfac1z, cggfac2z
page 14
6 Parental Discipline:
adapted from semi-structured interview used by Dodge
Deater-Deckard, K., Dodge, K., Bates, J.E., Pettit, G.S. (1998): Multiple risk factors in the development of externalizing behaviour problems: group and individual differences; Development and Psychopathology, 10, 469-493 Standardised twin-specific items: cdiasko1/2, cdiexpl1/2, cdifirm1/2, cdijoke1/2, cdishou1/2, cdismak1/2

Parental discipline composites: cdisneg1/2, cdispos1/2, cdisavo1/2, cdis1/2
Being a Parent of Twins,
page 15
7 Parental Feelings Questionnaire,
added by Kirby Deater-Deckard
- Standardised twin-specific items: cbpamus1/2, cbpangr1/2, cbpaway1/2, cbpclos1/2, cbpfrus1/2, cbphapp1/2, cbpimpa1/2

Parental feelings composites: cparneg1/2, cparpos1/2, cpar1/2
How You Feel,
pages 16-17
10 Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) Cox, J.L., Holden, J.M., Sagovsky, R. (1987): Detection of postnatal depression: development of the 10-item Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale; British Journal of Psychiatry, 150, 782-786. cmdtot
Your Home,
page 17
6 Confusion, Hubbub and Order Scale (CHAOS) Matheny, A.P., Wachs, T.D., Ludwig, J.L., Phillips, K. (1995): Bringing order out of chaos: psychometric characteristics of the confusion hubbub and order scale; Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 16, 429-444. cchatot, cyhfac1z, cyhfac2z

Environment Risk composites (derived from chaos, maternal depression, life events and other scales): cerisk1/2, ceriskf