dataset variable name | dataset variable label | source of
data |
item or derived variable? | data type | variable level |
coding or approximate range of values |
badparc1/2 | Parent-administered Parca total score (2 Year), 0-34 |
child | derived | integer | scale value | 0 to 34 |
badparn1/2 | Parent-administered Parca mean score (2 Year),
standardised | child | derived | decimal | scale
value | approx. -3 to +3 (standardised) |
bagemdex | Exclude on moderate twin age rules (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | derived | integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bagestex | Exclude on strict twin age rules (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | derived | integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bbeh011/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 2 (Behar item 1): fair in games, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh021/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 3 (Behar item 2): restless, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh031/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 4 (Behar item 3): considerate, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh041/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 5 (Behar item 4): fidgety, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh051/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 6 (Behar item 5): destroys belongings, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh061/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 7 (Behar item 6): affectionate to family, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh071/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 8 (Behar item 7): fights, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh081/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 9 (Behar item 8): not much liked, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh091/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 10 (Behar item 9): helps around house, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh101/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 11 (Behar item 10): worried, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh111/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 12 (Behar item 11): solitary, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh121/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 13 (Behar item 12): irritable, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh131/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 14 (Behar item 13): helps someone if hurt, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh141/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 15 (Behar item 14): appears miserable, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh151/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 16 (Behar item 15): has twitches, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh161/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 17 (Behar item 16): bites nails, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh171/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 18 (Behar item 17): disobedient, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh181/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 19 (Behar item 18): kind to younger children, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh191/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 20 (Behar item 19): poor concentration, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh201/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 21 (Behar item 20): afraid of new things, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh211/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 22 (Behar item 21): helps ill children, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh221/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 23 (Behar item 22): fussy, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh231/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 24 (Behar item 23): tells lies, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh241/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 25 (Behar item 24): wet self, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh251/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 26 (Behar item 25): comforts upset children, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh261/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 27 (Behar item 26): stutters, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh271/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 28 (Behar item 27): speech difficulty, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh281/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 29 (Behar item 28): plays imaginatively, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh291/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 30 (Behar item 29): bullies, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh301/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 31 (Behar item 30): inattentive, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh311/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 32 (Behar item 31): gets on well, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh31r1/2 | Reversed version of 2 Year behaviour item 32 (Behar item 31), see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal |
2=not true, 1=sometimes true, 0=certainly true |
bbeh321/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 33 (Behar item 32): does not share toys, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh331/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 34 (Behar item 33): cries easily, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh341/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 35 (Behar item 34): forceful, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh351/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 36 (Behar item 35): blames others, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh361/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 37 (Behar item 36): shares treats, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh371/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 38 (Behar item 37): gives up easily, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh381/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 39 (Behar item 38): inconsiderate, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh391/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 40 (Behar item 39): independent, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh39r1/2 | Reversed version of 2 Year behaviour item 40 (Behar item 39), see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal |
2=not true, 1=sometimes true, 0=certainly true |
bbeh401/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 41 (Behar item 40): kicks and bites, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh411/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 42 (Behar item 41): kind to animals, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh421/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 43 (Behar item 42): stares into space, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbeh431/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 44 (Behar item 43): stops fights, see value labels | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true |
bbh011/2 | 2 Year behaviour item 1: spend time with other children, see value labels |
child | item | integer |
ordinal | 0=never, 1=occasionally, 2=sometimes, 3=often |
bblockt1/2 | Block test total score (2 Year), 0-12 | child |
derived | integer | scale value | 0 to 12 |
bchjob | Respondent job changed (2 Year), 1Y 0N | parent |
item | integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bchpartn | Partner changed (2 Year), 1Y 0N | parent |
item | integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bchpjob | Partner job changed (2 Year), see value labels |
parent | item | integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes,
2=do not have a partner |
bchstatus | Marital status changed (2 Year), 1Y 0N | parent |
item | integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bcomplx1/2 | Sentence Complexity total score (2 Year), 0-13 |
child | derived | integer | scale value | 0 to 13 |
bcont1/2 | Overall Behar Conduct problems scale (2 Year), 0-18 |
child | derived | decimal | scale value | 0 to 18 |
bcopyt1/2 | Copy test total score (2 Year), 0-8 | child |
derived | integer | scale value | 0 to 8 |
bdrawt1/2 | Drawing test total score (2 Year), 0-4 | child |
derived | integer | scale value | 0 to 4 |
bemot1/2 | Overall Behar Emotion problems scale (2 Year), 0-10 | child |
derived | decimal | scale value | 0 to 10 |
bexcludm | General exclusion combined with moderate twin age rules
(2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | derived | integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bexcluds | General exclusion combined with strict twin age rules
(2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | derived | integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bfahosp | Father hospital stay necessary (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
parent | item | integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bfasick | Father has had serious illness (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
parent | item | integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bfasickd | Length of father illness in days (2 Year), see value labels |
parent | item | integer | ordinal | 1=1 day, 2=2 or more days |
bfoldt1/2 | Paper Folding test total score (2 Year), 0-2 |
child | derived | integer | scale value | 0 to 2 |
bgramma1/2 | Grammar composite score (2 Year), 0-2 | child |
derived | integer | ordinal | 0 to 2 |
bhypt1/2 | Overall Behar Hyperactivity problems scale (2 Year), 0-10 | child |
derived | decimal | scale value | 0 to 10 |
bmatcht1/2 | Matching test total score (2 Year), 0-8 | child |
derived | integer | scale value | 0 to 8 |
bmohosp | Mother hospital stay necessary (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
parent | item | integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bmosick | Mother has had serious illness (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
parent | item | integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bmosickd | Length of mother illness in days (2 Year), see value
labels |
parent | item | integer | ordinal | 1=1 day, 2=2 or
more days |
bmstatus | Respondent marital status (2 Year), see value labels |
parent | derived | integer | nominal | 1=married to
parent of twins, 2=married to someone else, 3=cohabiting with parent of
twins, 4=cohabiting with someone else, 5=divorced, 6=separated, 7=widowed,
8=unmarried |
bnewchld | New children living at home (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
parent | item | integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bparca1/2 | Parca overall mean score (2 Year), standardised |
child | derived | decimal | scale value | approx. -3
to +3 (standardised) |
bparent | Parent booklet data present (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
parent | item | integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bpb01a1/2 | Block test item 1a: number of bricks in row (2 Year),
0-10 | child | item | integer | quantitative |
0 to 10 (number of bricks) |
bpb01b1/2 | Block test item 1b: can push row of bricks (2 Year),
1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpb01s1/2 | Block test item 1 score (2 Year), 0-3 | child |
derived | integer | ordinal | 0 to 3 |
bpb021/2 | Block test item 2: number of bricks in tower (2 Year),
0-10 | child | item | integer | quantitative |
0 to 10 (number of bricks) |
bpb02s1/2 | Block test item 2 score (2 Year), 0-3 | child |
derived | integer | ordinal | 0 to 3 |
bpb03a1/2 | Block test item 3a: two bricks at bottom of bridge (2
Year), 1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpb03b1/2 | Block test item 3b: one brick on top of bridge (2
Year), 1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpb03c1/2 | Block test item 3c: top brick touches bottom bricks (2
Year), 1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpb03s1/2 | Block test item 3 score (2 Year), 0-3 | child |
derived | integer | ordinal | 0 to 3 |
bpb04a1/2 | Block test item 4a: two rows of bricks in wall (2
Year), 1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpb04b1/2 | Block test item 4b: two bricks at bottom of wall (2
Year), 1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpb04c1/2 | Block test item 4c: two bricks at top of wall (2
Year), 1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpb04s1/2 | Block test item 4 score (2 Year), 0-3 | child |
derived | integer | ordinal | 0 to 3 |
bpbage | Twin age in years on completion of parent booklet (2
Year) | parent | derived | decimal | quantitative |
approx. 1.8 to 3 years |
bpbLLCage | Age of twin when 2 year parent booklet completed (for use in LLC TRE), months |
parent | derived | integer | quantitative |
approx. 22 to 36 (months) |
bpbLLCdate | Date when 2 year parent booklet completed (for use in LLC TRE), yyyy-mm string |
parent | derived | string | date value |
approx. '1996-01' to '1998-01' |
bpc011/2 | Copy test item 1: open and close mouth (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bpc01s1/2 | Copy test items 1-4 total score (2 Year), 0-2 |
child | derived | integer | ordinal | 0 to 2 |
bpc021/2 | Copy test item 2: pull earlobe (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bpc031/2 | Copy test item 3: blink eyes (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bpc041/2 | Copy test item 4: pat cheek (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bpc05a1/2 | Copy test item 5a: copies two actions (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bpc05b1/2 | Copy test item 5b: two actions in correct order (2
Year), 1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpc05s1/2 | Copy test item 5 score (2 Year), 0-2 | child |
derived | integer | ordinal | 0 to 2 |
bpc06a1/2 | Copy test item 6a: copies three actions (2 Year), 1Y
0N | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no,
1=yes |
bpc06b1/2 | Copy test item 6b: three actions in correct order (2
Year), 1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpc06s1/2 | Copy test item 6 score (2 Year), 0-2 | child |
derived | integer | ordinal | 0 to 2 |
bpc07a1/2 | Copy test item 7a: copies four actions (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bpc07b1/2 | Copy test item 7b: four actions in correct order (2
Year), 1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpc07s1/2 | Copy test item 7 score (2 Year), 0-2 | child |
derived | integer | ordinal | 0 to 2 |
bpd011/2 | Drawing item 1 correct score (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bpd021/2 | Drawing item 2 correct score (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bpd031/2 | Drawing item 3 correct score (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bpd041/2 | Drawing item 4 correct score (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bpm01s1/2 | Matching item 1 correct score (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | derived | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bpm02s1/2 | Matching item 2 correct score (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | derived | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bpm03s1/2 | Matching item 3 correct score (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | derived | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bpm04s1/2 | Matching item 4 correct score (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | derived | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bpm05s1/2 | Matching item 5 correct score (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | derived | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bpm06s1/2 | Matching item 6 correct score (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | derived | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bpm07s1/2 | Matching item 7 correct score (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | derived | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bpm08s1/2 | Matching item 8 correct score (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | derived | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bpp01a1/2 | Paper Folding test item 1a: tries to fold paper (2
Year), 1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpp01b1/2 | Paper Folding test item 1b: makes just one fold (2
Year), 1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpr011/2 | Parent-Reported Parca item 1: piece in puzzle (2 Year),
1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpr021/2 | Parent-Reported Parca item 2: shapes in openings (2
Year), 1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpr031/2 | Parent-Reported Parca item 3: stack three blocks (2
Year), 1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpr041/2 | Parent-Reported Parca item 4: stack seven blocks (2
Year), 1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpr051/2 | Parent-Reported Parca item 5: jigsaw (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bpr061/2 | Parent-Reported Parca item 6: jigsaw with ten pieces (2
Year), 1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpr071/2 | Parent-Reported Parca item 7: mark on paper (2 Year),
1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpr081/2 | Parent-Reported Parca item 8: draw line (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bpr091/2 | Parent-Reported Parca item 9: turn pages (2 Year), 1Y
0N | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no,
1=yes |
bpr101/2 | Parent-Reported Parca item 10: pretend objects (2
Year), 1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpr111/2 | Parent-Reported Parca item 11: pretend actions (2
Year), 1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpr121/2 | Parent-Reported Parca item 12: pretend dolls (2 Year),
1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpr131/2 | Parent-Reported Parca item 13: pretend games (2 Year),
1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpr141/2 | Parent-Reported Parca item 14: taking turns (2 Year),
1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpr151/2 | Parent-Reported Parca item 15: copy actions (2 Year),
1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpr161/2 | Parent-Reported Parca item 16: fetch objects (2 Year),
1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpr171/2 | Parent-Reported Parca item 17: know where things belong
(2 Year), 1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpr181/2 | Parent-Reported Parca item 18: put aside snacks (2
Year), 1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpr191/2 | Parent-Reported Parca item 19: gather toys (2 Year), 1Y
0N | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no,
1=yes |
bpr201/2 | Parent-Reported Parca item 20: put things in groups (2
Year), 1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpr211/2 | Parent-Reported Parca item 21: find chair to stand on
(2 Year), 1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpr221/2 | Parent-Reported Parca item 22: speak into phone (2
Year), 1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpr231/2 | Parent-Reported Parca item 23: avoids spilling drinks
(2 Year), 1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpr241/2 | Parent-Reported Parca item 24: turns doorknobs (2
Year), 1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpr251/2 | Parent-Reported Parca item 25: recognise reflection (2
Year), 1Y 0N | child | item | integer | ordinal |
0=no, 1=yes |
bpr261/2 | Parent-Reported Parca item 26: points (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bpreg | Mother of twins pregnant (2 Year), 1Y 0N | parent |
item | integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bprot1/2 | Overall Behar Prosocial problems scale (2 Year), 0-20 | child |
derived | decimal | scale value | 0 to 20 |
brawg1/2 | G: overall cognitive ability composite (2 Year),
standardised | child | derived | decimal | scale
value | approx. -3 to +3 (standardised) |
breparc1/2 | Parent-reported Parca total score (2 Year), 0-26 |
child | derived | integer | scale value | 0 to 26 |
bs01s1/2 | Sentence Complexity item 1 correct score (2 Year), 1Y
0N | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no,
1=yes |
bs02s1/2 | Sentence Complexity item 2 correct score (2 Year), 1Y
0N | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no,
1=yes |
bs03s1/2 | Sentence Complexity item 3 correct score (2 Year), 1Y
0N | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no,
1=yes |
bs04s1/2 | Sentence Complexity item 4 correct score (2 Year), 1Y
0N | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no,
1=yes |
bs05s1/2 | Sentence Complexity item 5 correct score (2 Year), 1Y
0N | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no,
1=yes |
bs06s1/2 | Sentence Complexity item 6 correct score (2 Year), 1Y
0N | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no,
1=yes |
bs07s1/2 | Sentence Complexity item 7 correct score (2 Year), 1Y
0N | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no,
1=yes |
bs08s1/2 | Sentence Complexity item 8 correct score (2 Year), 1Y
0N | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no,
1=yes |
bs09s1/2 | Sentence Complexity item 9 correct score (2 Year), 1Y
0N | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no,
1=yes |
bs10s1/2 | Sentence Complexity item 10 correct score (2 Year), 1Y
0N | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no,
1=yes |
bs11s1/2 | Sentence Complexity item 11 correct score (2 Year), 1Y
0N | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no,
1=yes |
bs12s1/2 | Sentence Complexity item 12 correct score (2 Year), 1Y
0N | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no,
1=yes |
bscnv1/2 | Non-verbal cognitive ability composite (2 Year),
standardised | child | derived | decimal | scale
value | approx. -3 to +3 (standardised) |
bscv1/2 | Verbal cognitive ability composite (2 Year),
standardised | child | derived | decimal | scale
value | approx. -2 to +2 (standardised) |
bsdqcbeht1/2 | Total behaviour problems: SDQ-comparable Behar
scale (2 Year), 0-24 | child |
derived | decimal | scale value | 0 to 24 |
bsdqccont1/2 | Conduct SDQ-comparable Behar subscale (2 Year), 0-8 |
child | derived | decimal | scale value | 0 to 8 |
bsdqcemot1/2 | Emotion SDQ-comparable Behar subscale (2 Year), 0-4 | child |
derived | decimal | scale value | 0 to 4 |
bsdqchypt1/2 | Hyperactivity SDQ-comparable Behar subscale (2 Year), 0-6 | child |
derived | decimal | scale value | 0 to 6 |
bsdqcpert1/2 | Peer problem SDQ-comparable Behar subscale (2 Year), 0-6 | child |
derived | decimal | scale value | 0 to 6 |
bsdqcprot1/2 | Prosocial SDQ-comparable Behar subscale (2 Year), 0-10 | child |
derived | decimal | scale value | 0 to 10 |
bsibhosp | Sibling hospital stay necessary (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
parent | item | integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bsibsicd | Length of sibling illness in days (2 Year), see value labels |
parent | item | integer | ordinal | 1=1 day, 2=2 or more days |
bsibsick | Sibling has had serious illness (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
parent | item | integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
btwbage1/2 | Twin age in years on completion of the twin booklet (2 Year) |
child | derived | decimal |
quantitative | approx. 1.8 to 3 years |
btwbagediff | Difference in twin ages on completion of
the child booklet (2 Year), years | child | derived |
decimal | quantitative | approx. 0 to 0.8 year |
btwbLLCage1 | Age of twin when 2 year twin booklet completed (for use in LLC TRE), months |
child | derived | integer | quantitative |
approx. 23 to 34 (months) |
btwbLLCdate1 | Date when 2 year twin booklet completed (for use in LLC TRE), yyyy-mm string |
child | derived | string | date value |
approx. '1996-01' to '1998-01' |
btwdata1/2 | Twin booklet data present (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
btwhosp1/2 | Twin hospital stay necessary (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
parent | item | integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
btwoyear | 2 Year data present, 1Y 0N | parent and child |
derived | integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
btwsicd1/2 | Length of twin illness in days (2 Year), see value labels |
parent | item | integer | ordinal | 1=1 day, 2=2-7 days,
3=8-14 days, 4=15 or more days |
btwsick1/2 | Twin has had serious illness (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
parent | item | integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
buse1/2 | Word use total score (2 Year), 0-5 | child |
derived | integer | scale value | 0 to 5 |
bvc0011/2 | Vocabulary item 1: can say baa baa (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0021/2 | Vocabulary item 2: can say hat (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0031/2 | Vocabulary item 3: can say sky (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0041/2 | Vocabulary item 4: can say allgone (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0051/2 | Vocabulary item 5: can say meow (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0061/2 | Vocabulary item 6: can say necklace (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0071/2 | Vocabulary item 7: can say zoo (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0081/2 | Vocabulary item 8: can say cold (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0091/2 | Vocabulary item 9: can say ouch (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0101/2 | Vocabulary item 10: can say shoe (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0111/2 | Vocabulary item 11: can say friend (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0121/2 | Vocabulary item 12: can say fast (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0131/2 | Vocabulary item 13: can say oh dear (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0141/2 | Vocabulary item 14: can say sock (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0151/2 | Vocabulary item 15: can say mummy (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0161/2 | Vocabulary item 16: can say happy (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0171/2 | Vocabulary item 17: can say woof woof (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0181/2 | Vocabulary item 18: can say chin (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0191/2 | Vocabulary item 19: can say person (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0201/2 | Vocabulary item 20: can say hot (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0211/2 | Vocabulary item 21: can say bear (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0221/2 | Vocabulary item 22: can say ear (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0231/2 | Vocabulary item 23: can say byebye (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0241/2 | Vocabulary item 24: can say last (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0251/2 | Vocabulary item 25: can say bird (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0261/2 | Vocabulary item 26: can say hand (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0271/2 | Vocabulary item 27: can say hello (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0281/2 | Vocabulary item 28: can say tiny (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0291/2 | Vocabulary item 29: can say cat (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0301/2 | Vocabulary item 30: can say leg (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0311/2 | Vocabulary item 31: can say no (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0321/2 | Vocabulary item 32: can say wet (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0331/2 | Vocabulary item 33: can say dog (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0341/2 | Vocabulary item 34: can say pillow (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0351/2 | Vocabulary item 35: can say shopping (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0361/2 | Vocabulary item 36: can say after (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0371/2 | Vocabulary item 37: can say duck (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0381/2 | Vocabulary item 38: can say comb (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0391/2 | Vocabulary item 39: can say thank you (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0401/2 | Vocabulary item 40: can say day (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0411/2 | Vocabulary item 41: can say horse (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0421/2 | Vocabulary item 42: can say lamp (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0431/2 | Vocabulary item 43: can say carry (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0441/2 | Vocabulary item 44: can say tonight (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0451/2 | Vocabulary item 45: can say aeroplane (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0461/2 | Vocabulary item 46: can say plate (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0471/2 | Vocabulary item 47: can say chase (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0481/2 | Vocabulary item 48: can say our (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0491/2 | Vocabulary item 49: can say boat (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0501/2 | Vocabulary item 50: can say rubbish (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0511/2 | Vocabulary item 51: can say pour (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0521/2 | Vocabulary item 52: can say them (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0531/2 | Vocabulary item 53: can say car (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0541/2 | Vocabulary item 54: can say tray (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0551/2 | Vocabulary item 55: can say finish (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0561/2 | Vocabulary item 56: can say this (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0571/2 | Vocabulary item 57: can say ball (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0581/2 | Vocabulary item 58: can say towel (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0591/2 | Vocabulary item 59: can say fit (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0601/2 | Vocabulary item 60: can say us (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0611/2 | Vocabulary item 61: can say book (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0621/2 | Vocabulary item 62: can say bed (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0631/2 | Vocabulary item 63: can say hug (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0641/2 | Vocabulary item 64: can say where (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0651/2 | Vocabulary item 65: can say game (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0661/2 | Vocabulary item 66: can say bedroom (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0671/2 | Vocabulary item 67: can say listed (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0681/2 | Vocabulary item 68: can say beside (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0691/2 | Vocabulary item 69: can say sandwich (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0701/2 | Vocabulary item 70: can say settee (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0711/2 | Vocabulary item 71: can say like (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0721/2 | Vocabulary item 72: can say down (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0731/2 | Vocabulary item 73: can say fish (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0741/2 | Vocabulary item 74: can say oven (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0751/2 | Vocabulary item 75: can say pretend (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0761/2 | Vocabulary item 76: can say under (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0771/2 | Vocabulary item 77: can say sauce (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0781/2 | Vocabulary item 78: can say stairs (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0791/2 | Vocabulary item 79: can say rip (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0801/2 | Vocabulary item 80: can say all (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0811/2 | Vocabulary item 81: can say cream cracker (2 Year), 1Y
0N | child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no,
1=yes |
bvc0821/2 | Vocabulary item 82: can say flag (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0831/2 | Vocabulary item 83: can say shake (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0841/2 | Vocabulary item 84: can say much (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0851/2 | Vocabulary item 85: can say juice (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0861/2 | Vocabulary item 86: can say rain (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0871/2 | Vocabulary item 87: can say taste (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0881/2 | Vocabulary item 88: can say could (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0891/2 | Vocabulary item 89: can say meat (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0901/2 | Vocabulary item 90: can say star (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0911/2 | Vocabulary item 91: can say gentle (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0921/2 | Vocabulary item 92: can say need to (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0931/2 | Vocabulary item 93: can say milk (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0941/2 | Vocabulary item 94: can say swing (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0951/2 | Vocabulary item 95: can say think (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0961/2 | Vocabulary item 96: can say would (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0971/2 | Vocabulary item 97: can say peas (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0981/2 | Vocabulary item 98: can say school (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc0991/2 | Vocabulary item 99: can say wish (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvc1001/2 | Vocabulary item 100: can say if (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | item | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bvocab1/2 | Vocabulary total score (2 Year), 0-100 | child |
derived | integer | scale value | 0 to 100 |
bwu011/2 | Word use item 1 response: talk about past events (2
Year), see value labels | child | item | integer |
nominal | 1=often, 2=sometimes, 3=not yet |
bwu01s1/2 | Word use item 1 correct score (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | derived | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bwu021/2 | Word use item 2 response: talk about future (2 Year),
see value labels | child | item | integer | nominal |
1=often, 2=sometimes, 3=not yet |
bwu02s1/2 | Word use item 2 correct score (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | derived | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bwu031/2 | Word use item 3 response: talk about objects not
present (2 Year), see value labels | child | item |
integer | nominal | 1=often, 2=sometimes, 3=not yet |
bwu03s1/2 | Word use item 3 correct score (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | derived | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bwu041/2 | Word use item 4 response: ask for something not in room
(2 Year), see value labels | child | item | integer |
nominal | 1=often, 2=sometimes, 3=not yet |
bwu04s1/2 | Word use item 4 correct score (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | derived | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bwu051/2 | Word use item 5 response: names absent owner of object
(2 Year), see value labels | child | item | integer |
nominal | 1=often, 2=sometimes, 3=not yet |
bwu05s1/2 | Word use item 5 correct score (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | derived | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |
bwu061/2 | Word use item 6 response: combines words (2 Year), see
value labels | child | item | integer | nominal |
1=often, 2=sometimes, 3=not yet |
bwu06s1/2 | Word use item 6 correct score (2 Year), 1Y 0N |
child | derived | integer | ordinal | 0=no, 1=yes |