dataset variable name | item or derived variable? | source
of data | rawdata variable name | dataset variable label |
data type | variable type | coding or approximate range of
values |
dllang1/2 | derived | 4 Year | - | Low Language:
category based on current 4 year booklet data, 1Y 0N | integer |
nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
dlowlan1/2 | derived | 4 Year | - | Low
Language: historical category from time of in home visit, 1Y 0N |
integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
dlowpar1/2 | derived | 4 Year | - | Low Parca:
historical category from time of in home visit, 1Y 0N | integer |
nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
dlparca1/2 | derived | 4 Year | - | Low Parca:
category based on current 4 year booklet data, 1Y 0N | integer |
nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
ecactgr1/2 | item | child | actgram | Action
Pictures Grammar score (in-home child) | integer | scale value |
0 to 34 |
ecactin1/2 | item | child | actinf | Action
Pictures Information score (in-home child) | decimal | scale
value | 0 to 40 |
ecatt1/2 | item | child | att | ATT hearing test
result from in home visit, see value labels | integer | ordinal |
0=not tested, 1=normal or mild hearing loss (40dB or less), 2=moderate hearing loss (over 40dB) |
ecbas011/2 | item | child | bas01 | BAS item 1:
teddy legs (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer | ordinal |
0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecbas021/2 | item | child | bas02 | BAS item 2:
teddy mouth (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer | ordinal |
0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecbas031/2 | item | child | bas03 | BAS item 3:
teddy eyes (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer | ordinal |
0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecbas041/2 | item | child | bas04 | BAS item 4:
teddy arms (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer | ordinal |
0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecbas051/2 | item | child | bas05 | BAS item 5:
teddy ears (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer | ordinal |
0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecbas061/2 | item | child | bas06 | BAS item 6:
teddy ribbon (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer |
ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecbas071/2 | item | child | bas07 | BAS item 7:
car (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer | ordinal |
0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecbas081/2 | item | child | bas08 | BAS item 8:
pencil (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer | ordinal |
0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecbas091/2 | item | child | bas09 | BAS item 9:
watch (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer | ordinal |
0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecbas101/2 | item | child | bas10 | BAS item 10:
horse (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer | ordinal |
0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecbas111/2 | item | child | bas11 | BAS item 11:
horse in box (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer |
ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecbas121/2 | item | child | bas12 | BAS item 12:
button on car (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer |
ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecbas131/2 | item | child | bas13 | BAS item 13:
soldier under horse (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer |
ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecbas141/2 | item | child | bas14 | BAS item 14:
shows time (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer | ordinal |
0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecbas151/2 | item | child | bas15 | BAS item 15:
drives (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer | ordinal |
0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecbas161/2 | item | child | bas16 | BAS item 16:
barks (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer | ordinal |
0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecbas171/2 | item | child | bas17 | BAS item 17:
car instructions (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer |
ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecbas181/2 | item | child | bas18 | BAS item 18:
tree behind back (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer |
ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecbas191/2 | item | child | bas19 | BAS item 19:
boy on bridge (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer |
ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecbas201/2 | item | child | bas20 | BAS item 20:
van move (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer | ordinal |
0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecbas211/2 | item | child | bas21 | BAS item 21:
car under bridge (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer |
ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecbas221/2 | item | child | bas22 | BAS item 22:
boys facing (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer | ordinal |
0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecbas231/2 | item | child | bas23 | BAS item 23:
car and van (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer | ordinal |
0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecbas241/2 | item | child | bas24 | BAS item 24:
bridge then tree (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer |
ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecbas251/2 | item | child | bas25 | BAS item 25:
house before van (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer |
ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecbas261/2 | item | child | bas26 | BAS item 26:
car between houses (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer |
ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecbas271/2 | item | child | bas27 | BAS item 27:
boy between tree and house (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer |
ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecbasgt1/2 | derived | child | - | BAS grammar
sub-total score (in-home child), 0-11 | integer | scale value |
0 to 11 |
ecbaslt1/2 | derived | child | - | BAS lexical
sub-total score (in-home child), 0-16 | integer | scale value |
0 to 16 |
ecbast1/2 | derived | child | - | BAS total
score (in-home child), 0-27 | integer | scale value | 0 to
27 |
ecbaya1/2 | item | child | bayla | Bayley item
A: Positive affect (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
ordinal | 1=none, 2=one or two brief displays, 3=three or more brief
displays, 4=one or two intense displays, 5= three or more intense displays |
ecbayb1/2 | item | child | baylb | Bayley item
B: Negative affect (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
ordinal | 1=three or more intense displays, 2=one or two intense
displays, 3=three or more brief displays, 4=one or two brief displays,
5=none |
ecbayc1/2 | item | child | baylc | Bayley item
C: Soothability when upset (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
ordinal | 1=cannot be soothed, 2=only by physical comfort, 3=by being
given a desired object, 4=by being spoken to, 5=without external assistance |
ecbayd1/2 | item | child | bayld | Bayley item
D: Hypersensitivity to stimuli (in-home child), see value labels |
integer | ordinal | 1=constantly hypersensitive, 2=typically
hypersensitive, 3=occasionally, 4=typically reacts appropriately,
5=constantly reacts appropriately |
ecbaye1/2 | item | child | bayle | Bayley item
E: Energy (in-home child), see value labels | integer | ordinal |
1=consistently lacks energy, 2=typically tired, 3=energetic half the time,
4=typically energetic, 5=consistently energetic |
ecbayf1/2 | item | child | baylf | Bayley item
F: Adaptation to change in tests (in-home child), see value labels |
integer | ordinal | 1=consistently resists relinquishing
materials, 2=typically resists, 3=half and half, 4=typically relinquishes
materials, 5=consistently relinquishes |
ecbayg1/2 | item | child | baylg | Bayley item
G: Interest in tests (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
ordinal | 1=no interest, 2=one or two displays of interest, 3=moderate
interest, 4=much interest, 5=constant interest |
ecbayh1/2 | item | child | baylh | Bayley item
H: Initiative with tasks (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
ordinal | 1=consistently shows no initiative, 2=typically no
initiative, 3=half and half, 4=typically shows initiative, 5=consistently
shows initiative |
ecbayi1/2 | item | child | bayli | Bayley item
I: Exploration of surroundings (in-home child), see value labels |
integer | ordinal | 1=no explorations, 2=one or two instances or
exploration, 3=moderate, 4=much, 5=constant exploration |
ecbayj1/2 | item | child | baylj | Bayley item
J: Attention to tasks (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
ordinal | 1=constantly off task, 2=typically off task, 3=off task half
the time, 4=typically attends, 5=constantly attends |
ecbayk1/2 | item | child | baylk | Bayley item
K: Persistence in completing tasks (in-home child), see value labels |
integer | ordinal | 1=consistently lacks persistence,
2=typically not persistent, 3=half and half, 4=typically persistent,
5=consistently persistent |
ecbayl1/2 | item | child | bayll | Bayley item
L: Enthusiasm towards tasks (in-home child), see value labels |
integer | ordinal | 1=consistently unenthusiastic, 2=typically
unenthusiastic, 3=half and half, 4=typically enthusiastic, 5=consistently
enthusiastic |
ecbaym1/2 | item | child | baylm | Bayley item
M: Fearfulness (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
ordinal | 1=constantly fearful, 2=typically fearful, 3=fearful half
the time, 4=typically trusting, 5=constantly trusting |
ecbayn1/2 | item | child | bayln | Bayley item
N: Frustration with inability to complete tasks (in-home child), see value
labels | integer | ordinal | 1=consistently, 2=typically,
3=occasionally, 4=rarely, 5=never becomes frustrated |
ecbayo1/2 | item | child | baylo | Bayley item
O: Orientation to examiner (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
ordinal | 1=consistently avoids, 2=typically avoids, 3=avoids half the
time, 4=typically trusting, 5=constantly trusting |
ecbayp1/2 | item | child | baylp | Bayley item
P: Social engagement (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
ordinal | 1=none, 2=one or two, 3=several, 4=many, 5=constant attempts
to interact socially |
ecbayq1/2 | item | child | baylq | Bayley item
Q: Co operation (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
ordinal | 1=consistently resists requests, 2=typically resists
requests, 3=half and half, 4=typically cooperates, 5=consistently cooperates |
ecbayr1/2 | item | child | baylr | Bayley item
R: Gross motor movement (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
ordinal | 1=consistently inappropriate, 2=typically inappropriate,
3=half and half, 4=typically appropriate, 5=consistently appropriate |
ecbays1/2 | item | child | bayls | Bayley item
S: Fine motor movement (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
ordinal | 1=consistently inappropriate, 2=typically inappropriate,
3=half and half, 4=typically appropriate, 5=consistently appropriate |
ecbayt1/2 | item | child | baylt | Bayley item
T: Control of movement (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
ordinal | 1=consistently clumsy, 2=typically clumsy, 3=half and half,
4=typically coordinated, 5=consistently coordinated |
ecbayu1/2 | item | child | baylu | Bayley item
U: Hypotonicity (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
ordinal | 1=consistently hypotonic, 2=typically hypotonic, 3=half and
half, 4=typically normal, 5=no hypotonicity |
ecbayv1/2 | item | child | baylv | Bayley item
V: Hypertonicity (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
ordinal | 1=consistently hypertonic, 2=typically hypertonic, 3=half
and half, 4=typically normal, 5=no hypertonicity |
ecbayw1/2 | item | child | baylw | Bayley item
W: Tremulousness (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
ordinal | 1=constant, 2=frequent, 3=occasional, 4=infrequent, 5=none |
ecbayx1/2 | item | child | baylx | Bayley item
X: Slow and delayed movements (in-home child), see value labels |
integer | ordinal | 1=consistently delayed, 2=typically delayed,
3=half and half, 4=typically appropriate, 5=consistently appropriate timing
and pacing |
ecbayy1/2 | item | child | bayly | Bayley item
Y: Frenetic movement (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
ordinal | 1=consistently frenetic, 2=typically frenetic, 3=half and
half, 4=typically appropriate, 5=consistently appropriate timing and pacing |
ecbayz1/2 | item | child | baylz | Bayley item
Z: Hyperactivity (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
ordinal | 1=consistently hyperactive, 2=typically hyperactive, 3=half
and half, 4=typically not, 5=consistently not hyperactive |
ecbusa51/2 | item | child | busa5ls | Bus Story
A5LS: average length of 5 longest sentences (in-home child), number of words |
decimal | scale value | 0 to 16 |
ecbusin1/2 | item | child | businf | Bus Story
Information total score (in-home child), 0-54 | decimal | scale
value | 0 to 49 |
ecbussc1/2 | item | child | bussub | Bus Story
number of Subordinate Clauses (in-home child) | integer | scale
value | 0 to 6 |
ecbussl1/2 | item | child | bussl | Bus Story
Sentence Length (in-home child), number of words | integer |
scale value | 0 to 83 |
ecdata1/2 | item | child | - | Inhome Child test
data present, 1Y 0N | integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
ecgf01f1/2 | item | child | gf01fin | Goldman
Fristoe item 1 final (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf01i1/2 | item | child | gf01ini | Goldman
Fristoe item 1 initial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf01m1/2 | item | child | gf01med | Goldman
Fristoe item 1 medial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf02f1/2 | item | child | gf02fin | Goldman
Fristoe item 2 final (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf02i1/2 | item | child | gf02ini | Goldman
Fristoe item 2 initial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf02m1/2 | item | child | gf02med | Goldman
Fristoe item 2 medial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf03f1/2 | item | child | gf03fin | Goldman
Fristoe item 3 final (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf03i1/2 | item | child | gf03ini | Goldman
Fristoe item 3 initial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf03m1/2 | item | child | gf03med | Goldman
Fristoe item 3 medial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf04i1/2 | item | child | gf04ini | Goldman
Fristoe item 4 initial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf05i1/2 | item | child | gf05ini | Goldman
Fristoe item 5 initial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf06f1/2 | item | child | gf06fin | Goldman
Fristoe item 6 final (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf06i1/2 | item | child | gf06ini | Goldman
Fristoe item 6 initial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf06m1/2 | item | child | gf06med | Goldman
Fristoe item 6 medial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf07f1/2 | item | child | gf07fin | Goldman
Fristoe item 7 final (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf07i1/2 | item | child | gf07ini | Goldman
Fristoe item 7 initial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf07m1/2 | item | child | gf07med | Goldman
Fristoe item 7 medial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf08f1/2 | item | child | gf08fin | Goldman
Fristoe item 8 final (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf08i1/2 | item | child | gf08ini | Goldman
Fristoe item 8 initial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf08m1/2 | item | child | gf08med | Goldman
Fristoe item 8 medial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf09f1/2 | item | child | gf09fin | Goldman
Fristoe item 9 final (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf09i1/2 | item | child | gf09ini | Goldman
Fristoe item 9 initial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf09m1/2 | item | child | gf09med | Goldman
Fristoe item 9 medial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf10f1/2 | item | child | gf10fin | Goldman
Fristoe item 10 final (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf10i1/2 | item | child | gf10ini | Goldman
Fristoe item 10 initial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf10m1/2 | item | child | gf10med | Goldman
Fristoe item 10 medial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf11f1/2 | item | child | gf11fin | Goldman
Fristoe item 11 final (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf11i1/2 | item | child | gf11ini | Goldman
Fristoe item 11 initial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf11m1/2 | item | child | gf11med | Goldman
Fristoe item 11 medial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf12i1/2 | item | child | gf12ini | Goldman
Fristoe item 12 initial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf13f1/2 | item | child | gf13fin | Goldman
Fristoe item 13 final (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf13i1/2 | item | child | gf13ini | Goldman
Fristoe item 13 initial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf13m1/2 | item | child | gf13med | Goldman
Fristoe item 13 medial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf14f1/2 | item | child | gf14fin | Goldman
Fristoe item 14 final (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf14i1/2 | item | child | gf14ini | Goldman
Fristoe item 14 initial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf14m1/2 | item | child | gf14med | Goldman
Fristoe item 14 medial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf15f1/2 | item | child | gf15fin | Goldman
Fristoe item 15 final (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf15i1/2 | item | child | gf15ini | Goldman
Fristoe item 15 initial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf15m1/2 | item | child | gf15med | Goldman
Fristoe item 15 medial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf16f1/2 | item | child | gf16fin | Goldman
Fristoe item 16 final (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf16i1/2 | item | child | gf16ini | Goldman
Fristoe item 16 initial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf16m1/2 | item | child | gf16med | Goldman
Fristoe item 16 medial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf17f1/2 | item | child | gf17fin | Goldman
Fristoe item 17 final (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf17i1/2 | item | child | gf17ini | Goldman
Fristoe item 17 initial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf17m1/2 | item | child | gf17med | Goldman
Fristoe item 17 medial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf18f1/2 | item | child | gf18fin | Goldman
Fristoe item 18 final (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf18i1/2 | item | child | gf18ini | Goldman
Fristoe item 18 initial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf18m1/2 | item | child | gf18med | Goldman
Fristoe item 18 medial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf19f1/2 | item | child | gf19fin | Goldman
Fristoe item 19 final (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf19i1/2 | item | child | gf19ini | Goldman
Fristoe item 19 initial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf19m1/2 | item | child | gf19med | Goldman
Fristoe item 19 medial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf20f1/2 | item | child | gf20fin | Goldman
Fristoe item 20 final (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf20i1/2 | item | child | gf20ini | Goldman
Fristoe item 20 initial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf20m1/2 | item | child | gf20med | Goldman
Fristoe item 20 medial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf21f1/2 | item | child | gf21fin | Goldman
Fristoe item 21 final (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf21i1/2 | item | child | gf21ini | Goldman
Fristoe item 21 initial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf21m1/2 | item | child | gf21med | Goldman
Fristoe item 21 medial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf22f1/2 | item | child | gf22fin | Goldman
Fristoe item 22 final (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf22i1/2 | item | child | gf22ini | Goldman
Fristoe item 22 initial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf22m1/2 | item | child | gf22med | Goldman
Fristoe item 22 medial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf23i1/2 | item | child | gf23ini | Goldman
Fristoe item 23 initial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf23m1/2 | item | child | gf23med | Goldman
Fristoe item 23 medial (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf24b1/2 | item | child | gfb24bl | Goldman
Fristoe item 24 blend (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf25b1/2 | item | child | gfb25br | Goldman
Fristoe item 25 blend (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf26b1/2 | item | child | gfb26dr | Goldman
Fristoe item 26 blend (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf27b1/2 | item | child | gfb27fl | Goldman
Fristoe item 27 blend (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf28b1/2 | item | child | gfb28kl | Goldman
Fristoe item 28 blend (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf29b1/2 | item | child | gfb29kr | Goldman
Fristoe item 29 blend (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf30b1/2 | item | child | gfb30pl | Goldman
Fristoe item 30 blend (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf31b1/2 | item | child | gfb31sk | Goldman
Fristoe item 31 blend (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf32b1/2 | item | child | gfb32sl | Goldman
Fristoe item 32 blend (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf33b1/2 | item | child | gfb33st | Goldman
Fristoe item 33 blend (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf34b1/2 | item | child | gfb34tr | Goldman
Fristoe item 34 blend (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgf35b1/2 | item | child | gfb35hw | Goldman
Fristoe test 35 blend (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct, 2=not elicited |
ecgft1/2 | derived | child | - | Goldman Fristoe
total score (in-home child), 0-74 | integer | scale value |
0 to 74 |
ecmcabb1/2 | item | child | mc10arm1 | McCarthy
Arm Coordination: Ball Bouncing total score (in-home child), 0-7 |
integer | scale value | 0 to 7 |
ecmcabc1/2 | item | child | mc10arm2 | McCarthy
Arm Coordination: Beanbag Catch total score (in-home child), 0-9 |
integer | scale value | 0 to 9 |
ecmcabt1/2 | item | child | mc10arm3 | McCarthy
Arm Coordination: Beanbag Target Game total score (in-home child), 0-12 |
integer | scale value | 0 to 12 |
ecmcblo1/2 | item | child | mc01blo | McCarthy
Block Building total score (in-home child), 0-10 | integer |
scale value | 0 to 10 |
ecmccgr1/2 | item | child | mc18cg | McCarthy
Conceptual Grouping total score (in-home child), 0-12 | integer |
scale value | 0 to 12 |
ecmcchi1/2 | item | child | mc13chi | McCarthy
Draw a Child total score (in-home child), 0-20 | integer | scale
value | 0 to 20 |
ecmccso1/2 | item | child | mc16cs | McCarthy
Counting and Sorting total score (in-home child), 0-9 | integer |
scale value | 0 to 9 |
ecmcdes1/2 | item | child | mc12des | McCarthy
Draw a Design total score (in-home child), 0-19 | integer |
scale value | 0 to 19 |
ecmcgci1/2 | derived | child | - | McCarthy
General Cognitive index score (in-home child), 0-263.5 | decimal |
scale value | 0 to 263.5 |
ecmchand1/2 | derived | child | - |
McCarthy ordinal handedness scale (in-home child), see value labels | integer |
ordinal | 1=left, 2=mainly left, 3=both equally, 4=mainly right, 5=right |
ecmcimi1/2 | item | child | mc11imi | McCarthy
Imitative Action total score (in-home child), 0-4 | integer |
scale value | 0 to 4 |
ecmcleg1/2 | item | child | mc09leg | McCarthy
Leg Coordination total score (in-home child), 0-13 | integer |
scale value | 0 to 13 |
ecmcmmi1/2 | derived | child | - | McCarthy
Memory index score (in-home child), 0-73 | decimal | scale value |
0 to 73 |
ecmcmti1/2 | derived | child | - | McCarthy
Motor index score (in-home child), 0-84 | integer | scale value |
0 to 84 |
ecmcnmb1/2 | item | child | mc14nm2 | McCarthy
Numerical Memory: Backward Series total score (in-home child), 0-10 |
integer | scale value | 0 to 10 |
ecmcnmf1/2 | item | child | mc14nm1 | McCarthy
Numerical Memory: Forward Series total score (in-home child), 0-12 |
integer | scale value | 0 to 12 |
ecmcnmt1/2 | derived | child | - | McCarthy
Numerical Memory overall total score (in-home child), 0-32 | integer |
scale value | 0 to 32 |
ecmcnum1/2 | item | child | mc05num | McCarthy
Number Questions total score (in-home child), 0-12 | integer |
scale value | 0 to 12 |
ecmcopp1/2 | item | child | mc17opp | McCarthy
Opposite Analogies total score (in-home child), 0-9 | integer |
scale value | 0 to 9 |
ecmcpic1/2 | item | child | mc03pic | McCarthy
Pictorial Memory total score (in-home child), 0-6 | integer |
scale value | 0 to 6 |
ecmcppi1/2 | derived | child | - | McCarthy
Perceptual Performance index score (in-home child), 0-83.5 | decimal |
scale value | 0 to 83.5 |
ecmcpuz1/2 | item | child | mc02puz | McCarthy
Puzzle Solving total score (in-home child), 0-27 | integer |
scale value | 0 to 27 |
ecmcqni1/2 | derived | child | - | McCarthy
Quantitative index score (in-home child), 0-65 | integer | scale
value | 0 to 65 |
ecmctap1/2 | item | child | mc06tap | McCarthy
Tapping Sequence total score (in-home child), 0-9 | integer |
scale value | 0 to 9 |
ecmcvbi1/2 | derived | child | - | McCarthy
Verbal index score (in-home child), 0-115 | decimal | scale
value | 0 to 115 |
ecmcvfl1/2 | item | child | mc15vf | McCarthy
Verbal Fluency total score (in-home child), 0-36 | integer |
scale value | 0 to 36 |
ecmcvmt1/2 | derived | child | - | McCarthy
Verbal Memory overall total score (in-home child), 0-26 | decimal |
scale value | 0 to 26 |
ecmcvst1/2 | item | child | mc07vrb2 | McCarthy
Verbal Memory: Story total score (in-home child), 0-11 | integer |
scale value | 0 to 11 |
ecmcvws1/2 | item | child | mc07vrb1 | McCarthy
Verbal Memory: Words and Sentences total score (in-home child), 0-30 |
integer | scale value | 0 to 30 |
ecmcwkt1/2 | derived | child | - | McCarthy Word
Knowledge overall total score (in-home child), 0-29 | integer |
scale value | 0 to 29 |
ecmcwov1/2 | item | child | mc04wrd2 | McCarthy
Word Knowledge: Oral Vocabulary total score (in-home child), 0-20 |
integer | scale value | 0 to 20 |
ecmcwpv1/2 | item | child | mc04wrd1 | McCarthy
Word Knowledge: Picture Vocabulary total score (in-home child), 0-9 |
integer | scale value | 0 to 9 |
ecnon011/2 | item | child | non01 | Nonword
Repetition item 1: dopelate (in-home child), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecnon021/2 | item | child | non02 | Nonword
Repetition item 2: glistering (in-home child), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecnon031/2 | item | child | non03 | Nonword
Repetition item 3: pennel (in-home child), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecnon041/2 | item | child | non04 | Nonword
Repetition item 4: hampent (in-home child), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecnon051/2 | item | child | non05 | Nonword
Repetition item 5: glistow (in-home child), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecnon061/2 | item | child | non06 | Nonword
Repetition item 6: frescovent (in-home child), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecnon071/2 | item | child | non07 | Nonword
Repetition item 7: bannifer (in-home child), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecnon081/2 | item | child | non08 | Nonword
Repetition item 8: ballop (in-home child), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecnon091/2 | item | child | non09 | Nonword
Repetition item 9: trumpetine (in-home child), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecnon101/2 | item | child | non10 | Nonword
Repetition item 10: sladding (in-home child), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecnon111/2 | item | child | non11 | Nonword
Repetition item 11: tafflest (in-home child), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecnon121/2 | item | child | non12 | Nonword
Repetition item 12: barrazon (in-home child), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecnon131/2 | item | child | non13 | Nonword
Repetition item 13: commerine (in-home child), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecnon141/2 | item | child | non14 | Nonword
Repetition item 14: thickery (in-home child), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecnon151/2 | item | child | non15 | Nonword
Repetition item 15: rubid (in-home child), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecnon161/2 | item | child | non16 | Nonword
Repetition item 16: brasterer (in-home child), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecnon171/2 | item | child | non17 | Nonword
Repetition item 17: diller (in-home child), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecnon181/2 | item | child | non18 | Nonword
Repetition item 18: bannow (in-home child), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecnon191/2 | item | child | non19 | Nonword
Repetition item 19: prindle (in-home child), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecnon201/2 | item | child | non20 | Nonword
Repetition item 20: prindle (in-home child), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecnont1/2 | derived | child | - | Nonword
Repetition total score (in-home child), 0-20 | integer | scale
value | 0 to 20 |
econtrola | derived | child | - | Control
family, based on historical categories from time of in home visit, 1Y 0N |
integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
econtrolb | derived | child | - | Control
family, based on current 4 year booklet data, 1Y 0N | integer |
nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
ecph011/2 | item | child | phon01 | Phonological
Awareness item 1 score (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer |
ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecph021/2 | item | child | phon02 | Phonological
Awareness item 2 score (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer |
ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecph031/2 | item | child | phon03 | Phonological
Awareness item 3 score (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer |
ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecph041/2 | item | child | phon04 | Phonological
Awareness item 4 score (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer |
ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecph051/2 | item | child | phon05 | Phonological
Awareness item 5 score (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer |
ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecph061/2 | item | child | phon06 | Phonological
Awareness item 6 score (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer |
ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecph071/2 | item | child | phon07 | Phonological
Awareness item 7 score (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer |
ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecph081/2 | item | child | phon08 | Phonological
Awareness item 8 score (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer |
ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecph091/2 | item | child | phon09 | Phonological
Awareness item 9 score (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer |
ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecph101/2 | item | child | phon10 | Phonological
Awareness item 10 score (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer |
ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecph111/2 | item | child | phon11 | Phonological
Awareness item 11 score (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer |
ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecph121/2 | item | child | phon12 | Phonological
Awareness item 12 score (in-home child), 1correct 0wrong | integer |
ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
ecphhand1/2 | derived | child | - | Phonological
Awareness mean handedness scale (in-home child), 1-5 | decimal |
scale value | 1 (left) to 5 (right) |
ecpht1/2 | derived | child | - | Phonological
Awareness total score for first 8 items (in-home child), 0-8 | integer |
scale value | 0 to 8 |
ecsepm1/2 | item | child | sepmum | Separation
Anxiety: Mum needs to come in (in-home child), 1Y 0N | integer |
nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
ecsepro1/2 | item | child | seppro | Separation
Anxiety: protests when Mum leaves (in-home child), 1Y 0N | integer |
nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
ecsept1/2 | item | child | septwin | Separation
Anxiety: resists separation from Twin (in-home child), 1Y 0N | integer |
nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
ectestn1/2 | derived | child | - | Number of
cognitive tests with data present (in-home child), 0-20 |
integer | ordinal | 0 to 20 |
ectgft1/2 | derived | child | - | Goldman
Fristoe transformed total score (in-home child), 0-1 | decimal |
scale value | 0 to 1 |
edata | derived | parent, child | - | Inhome
visit data present (child, parent or postvisit), 1Y 0N | integer |
nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
eexclude | derived | admin | - | Exclusion from
general analysis (in home), 1Y 0N | integer | nominal |
0=no, 1=yes |
emedexcl | item | admin | - | Medical exclusion
determined at time of inhome visit, 1Y 0N | integer | nominal |
0=no, 1=yes |
epramboo | item | parent | plt03gbo | Do they
have enough books (in-home parent), see value labels | integer |
ordinal | 1=definitely not enough, 2=probably not enough, 3=probably
enough, 4=definitely enough |
epramdra | item | parent | plt03gdr | Do they
have enough toys for drawing/colouring (in-home parent), see value labels |
integer | ordinal | 1=definitely not enough, 2=probably not
enough, 3=probably enough, 4=definitely enough |
eprammak | item | parent | plt03gma | Do they
have enough toys for making/building (in-home parent), see value labels |
integer | ordinal | 1=definitely not enough, 2=probably not
enough, 3=probably enough, 4=definitely enough |
eprampre | item | parent | plt03gpr | Do they
have enough toys for pretend play (in-home parent), see value labels |
integer | ordinal | 1=definitely not enough, 2=probably not
enough, 3=probably enough, 4=definitely enough |
eprapboo | item | parent | plt03hbo | Are their
books mostly right for their age (in-home parent), see value labels |
integer | ordinal | 1=mostly too old, 2=mostly about the right
age, 3=mostly too young |
eprapdra | item | parent | plt03hdr | Are their
drawing/colouring toys mostly right for their age (in-home parent), see
value labels | integer | ordinal | 1=mostly too old,
2=mostly about the right age, 3=mostly too young |
eprapmak | item | parent | plt03hma | Are their
making/building toys mostly right for their age (in-home parent), see value
labels | integer | ordinal | 1=mostly too old, 2=mostly
about the right age, 3=mostly too young |
eprappre | item | parent | plt03hpr | Are their
pretend play toys mostly right for their age (in-home parent), see value
labels | integer | ordinal | 1=mostly too old, 2=mostly
about the right age, 3=mostly too young |
eprdata | derived | parent | - | Inhome Parent
data present, 1Y 0N | integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
eprdraw1/2 | item | parent | plt03adr, plt03bdr |
How often did child do drawing/colouring in last month (in-home parent), see
value labels | integer | ordinal | 1=most of the time,
2=some of the time, 3=a little, 4=hardly or not at all |
epreqpbu | item | parent | plt03e | Do they own
equipment for building things (in-home parent), see value labels |
integer | ordinal | 1=none in the house, 2=only some and shared
with everyone, 3=yes for the twins to share, 4=each twin has own |
epreqpdr | item | parent | plt03d | Do they own
equipment for drawing/colouring (in-home parent), see value labels |
integer | ordinal | 1=none in the house, 2=only some and shared
with everyone, 3=yes for the twins to share, 4=each twin has own |
epreqppr | item | parent | plt03f | Do they own
equipment for pretend play (in-home parent), see value labels |
integer | ordinal | 1=none in the house, 2=only some and shared
with everyone, 3=yes for the twins to share, 4=each twin has own |
eprexer1/2 | item | parent | plt03aex, plt03bex |
How often did child do exercise/sport in last month (in-home parent), see
value labels | integer | ordinal | 1=most of the time,
2=some of the time, 3=a little, 4=hardly or not at all |
epripbrk | item | parent | plt01d | How many
things might break indoors (in-home parent), see value labels |
integer | ordinal | 1=many things, 2=a few things, 3=almost
nothing |
epripdan | item | parent | plt01e | How many
things might be dangerous indoors (in-home parent), see value labels |
integer | ordinal | 1=many things, 2=a few things, 3=almost
nothing |
epripeye | item | parent | plt01b | How easy is
it to keep an eye on them playing indoors (in-home parent), see value labels |
integer | ordinal | 1=very easy, 2=fairly easy, 3=somewhat
difficult, 4=very difficult |
epriphap | item | parent | plt01c | Are you
happy with them playing indoors (in-home parent), see value labels |
integer | ordinal | 1=very happy, 2=fairly happy, 3=a bit
unhappy, 4=very unhappy |
epriplay | item | parent | plt01a | Where do
children play indoors (in-home parent), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 1=kitchen, 2=sitting room, 3=bedroom, 4=other family room |
eprjigs | item | parent | plt03c | Do twins have
any jigsaw puzzles (in-home parent), 1Y 0N | integer | nominal |
0=no, 1=yes |
eprjigsn | item | parent | plt03cn | How many
jigsaw puzzles do they have (in-home parent), estimated number |
integer | quantitative | 1 to 100 (number of puzzles) |
eprlist1/2 | item | parent | plt03ali, plt03bli |
How often did child listen to stories in last month (in-home parent), see
value labels | integer | ordinal | 1=most of the time,
2=some of the time, 3=a little, 4=hardly or not at all |
eprmake1/2 | item | parent | plt03ama, plt03bma |
How often did child do making/building in last month (in-home parent), see
value labels | integer | ordinal | 1=most of the time,
2=some of the time, 3=a little, 4=hardly or not at all |
epropcli | item | parent | plt02dcl | Is there a
climbing frame outdoors (in-home parent), 1Y 0N | integer |
nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
epropeye | item | parent | plt02f | How easy is
it to keep an eye on them playing outdoors (in-home parent), see value
labels | integer | ordinal | 1=very easy, 2=fairly easy,
3=not very easy, 4=not at all easy |
epropfen | item | parent | plt02c | Is there a
fence or walls outdoors (in-home parent), see value labels | integer |
ordinal | 1=completely enclosed, 2=partly enclosed, 3=completely open |
epropfrq | item | parent | plt02b | How often do
they play outdoors (in-home parent), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 1=daily, 2=at least once a week, 3=at least 4 times a week,
4=less than once a week |
eproplay | item | parent | plt02a | Where do
children play outdoors (in-home parent), see value labels | integer |
nominal | 1=your own garden, 2=a shared garden, 3=general public space |
epropoth | item | parent | plt02do | Are there
other play things outdoors (in-home parent), 1Y 0N | integer |
nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
epropsaf | item | parent | plt02e | How safe is
it for them on their own outdoors (in-home parent), see value labels |
integer | ordinal | 1=very easy, 2=fairly easy, 3=not very easy,
4=not at all easy |
epropsan | item | parent | plt02dsa | Is there a
sandpit outdoors (in-home parent), 1Y 0N | integer | nominal |
0=no, 1=yes |
epropsli | item | parent | plt02dsl | Is there a
slide outdoors (in-home parent), 1Y 0N | integer | nominal |
0=no, 1=yes |
epropswi | item | parent | plt02dsw | Are there
swings outdoors (in-home parent), 1Y 0N | integer | nominal |
0=no, 1=yes |
eproptri | item | parent | plt02dtr | Are there
tricycles outdoors (in-home parent), 1Y 0N | integer | nominal |
0=no, 1=yes |
eprpret1/2 | item | parent | plt03apr, plt03bpr |
How often did child do pretend play in last month (in-home parent), see
value labels | integer | ordinal | 1=most of the time,
2=some of the time, 3=a little, 4=hardly or not at all |
eprvoc01 | derived | parent | pvoc01 | Parent
Vocabulary item 1: moist (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc02 | derived | parent | pvoc02 | Parent
Vocabulary item 2: quick (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc03 | derived | parent | pvoc03 | Parent
Vocabulary item 3: annual (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc04 | derived | parent | pvoc04 | Parent
Vocabulary item 4: splendid (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc05 | derived | parent | pvoc05 | Parent
Vocabulary item 5: customary (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc06 | derived | parent | pvoc06 | Parent
Vocabulary item 6: fluid (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc07 | derived | parent | pvoc07 | Parent
Vocabulary item 7: idle (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc08 | derived | parent | pvoc08 | Parent
Vocabulary item 8: deserted (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc09 | derived | parent | pvoc09 | Parent
Vocabulary item 9: rare (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc10 | derived | parent | pvoc10 | Parent
Vocabulary item 10: contented (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc11 | derived | parent | pvoc11 | Parent
Vocabulary item 11: enraged (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc12 | derived | parent | pvoc12 | Parent
Vocabulary item 12: beneficial (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc13 | derived | parent | pvoc13 | Parent
Vocabulary item 13: mouldy (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc14 | derived | parent | pvoc14 | Parent
Vocabulary item 14: rasping (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc15 | derived | parent | pvoc15 | Parent
Vocabulary item 15: dietary (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc16 | derived | parent | pvoc16 | Parent
Vocabulary item 16: sober (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc17 | derived | parent | pvoc17 | Parent
Vocabulary item 17: droll (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc18 | derived | parent | pvoc18 | Parent
Vocabulary item 18: stately (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc19 | derived | parent | pvoc19 | Parent
Vocabulary item 19: disreputable (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc20 | derived | parent | pvoc20 | Parent
Vocabulary item 20: genteel (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc21 | derived | parent | pvoc21 | Parent
Vocabulary item 21: original (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc22 | derived | parent | pvoc22 | Parent
Vocabulary item 22: novel (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc23 | derived | parent | pvoc23 | Parent
Vocabulary item 23: famous (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc24 | derived | parent | pvoc24 | Parent
Vocabulary item 24: systematic (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc25 | derived | parent | pvoc25 | Parent
Vocabulary item 25: fatigued (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc26 | derived | parent | pvoc26 | Parent
Vocabulary item 26: resplendent (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc27 | derived | parent | pvoc27 | Parent
Vocabulary item 27: generous (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc28 | derived | parent | pvoc28 | Parent
Vocabulary item 28: kingly (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc29 | derived | parent | pvoc29 | Parent
Vocabulary item 29: flexible (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc30 | derived | parent | pvoc30 | Parent
Vocabulary item 30: sagacious (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc31 | derived | parent | pvoc31 | Parent
Vocabulary item 31: heedless (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc32 | derived | parent | pvoc32 | Parent
Vocabulary item 32: deficient (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc33 | derived | parent | pvoc33 | Parent
Vocabulary item 33: vigilant (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc34 | derived | parent | pvoc34 | Parent
Vocabulary item 34: minimum (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc35 | derived | parent | pvoc35 | Parent
Vocabulary item 35: gallant (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc36 | derived | parent | pvoc36 | Parent
Vocabulary item 36: giddy (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc37 | derived | parent | pvoc37 | Parent
Vocabulary item 37: discreet (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc38 | derived | parent | pvoc38 | Parent
Vocabulary item 38: destined (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc39 | derived | parent | pvoc39 | Parent
Vocabulary item 39: eternal (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc40 | derived | parent | pvoc40 | Parent
Vocabulary item 40: lavish (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc41 | derived | parent | pvoc41 | Parent
Vocabulary item 41: defective (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc42 | derived | parent | pvoc42 | Parent
Vocabulary item 42: vague (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc43 | derived | parent | pvoc43 | Parent
Vocabulary item 43: essential (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc44 | derived | parent | pvoc44 | Parent
Vocabulary item 44: impulsive (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc45 | derived | parent | pvoc45 | Parent
Vocabulary item 45: diffident (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc46 | derived | parent | pvoc46 | Parent
Vocabulary item 46: erroneous (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc47 | derived | parent | pvoc47 | Parent
Vocabulary item 47: benevolent (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc48 | derived | parent | pvoc48 | Parent
Vocabulary item 48: grimy (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc49 | derived | parent | pvoc49 | Parent
Vocabulary item 49: lacerated (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoc50 | derived | parent | pvoc50 | Parent
Vocabulary item 50: insolent (in-home parent), 1correct 0incorrect |
integer | ordinal | 0=incorrect, 1=correct |
eprvoct | derived | parent | - | Parent
Vocabulary total score (in-home parent), 0-50 | integer | scale
value | 0 to 50 |
epvcval1/2 | item | post-visit | pv27cv | Was
there any reason to doubt validity of child responses (in-home post-visit),
1Y 0N | integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
epvdata1/2 | item | post-visit | - | Inhome
Postvisit data present, see value labels | integer | nominal |
0=no, 1=yes complete, 2=partially complete |
epvhome1/2 | item | post-visit | pv1hom | What
type of home does family live in (in-home post-visit), see value labels |
integer | nominal | 1=council estate or high-rise flat,
2=private flat, 3=semi detached house, 4=detached house, 5=other |
epvialc1/2 | item | post-visit | pv9ialc | Was
there alcohol in the house (in-home post-visit), 1Y 0N | integer |
nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
epviboo1/2 | item | post-visit | pv5ibk | Were
there books in the house (in-home post-visit), 1Y 0N | integer |
nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
epvibug1/2 | item | post-visit | pv7ibug | Were
there bugs in the house (in-home post-visit), 1Y 0N | integer |
nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
epvicle1/2 | item | post-visit | pv4icl | How
clean was it inside (in-home post-visit), see value labels | integer |
ordinal | 1=very clean, 2, 3=somewhat clean, 4=dirty or very dirty |
epvipic1/2 | item | post-visit | pv10ipic | Were
there family pictures in the house (in-home post-visit), 1Y 0N |
integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
epvitem1/2 | item | post-visit | pv8itemp | Was
the temperature uncomfortable in the house (in-home post-visit), 1Y 0N |
integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
epvitoy1/2 | item | post-visit | pv6itoy | Were
there appropriate toys in the house (in-home post-visit), 1Y 0N |
integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
epvjoy1/2 | item | post-visit | pv25joy | How
much joy in parenting was there (in-home post-visit), see value labels |
integer | ordinal | 2=none or a little, 3=some, 4=more
than average, 5=a lot |
epvknow1/2 | item | post-visit | pv24kno | How
well did the parent seem to know the child (in-home post-visit), see value
labels | integer | ordinal | 2=not well,
3=about as well as most parents, 4=better than most,
5=very well |
epvmval1/2 | item | post-visit | pv26mv | Was
there any reason to doubt validity of parent responses (in-home post-visit),
1Y 0N | integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
epvocle1/2 | item | post-visit | pv11ocl | How
clean was it outside (in-home post-visit), see value labels | integer |
ordinal | 1=very clean, 2, 3=somewhat clean, 4=dirty or very dirty |
epvodan1/2 | item | post-visit | pv20odan | Was
there anything else that looked dangerous (in-home post-visit), 1Y 0N |
integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
epvopla1/2 | item | post-visit | pv12opl | Was
there a playground outside the house (in-home post-visit), 1Y 0N |
integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
epvosaf1/2 | item | post-visit | pv19osaf | Was
there a safe play area outside (in-home post-visit), 1Y 0N | integer |
nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
epvotoy1/2 | item | post-visit | pv13otoy | Were
there appropriate toys outside the house (in-home post-visit), 1Y 0N |
integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
epvotra1/2 | item | post-visit | pv16otra | Was
there busy traffic outside the house (in-home post-visit), 1Y 0N |
integer | nominal | 0=no, 1=yes |
epvpeop1/2 | item | post-visit | pv2peo | How
many people live in the home (in-home post-visit), see value labels |
integer | ordinal | 3=3, 4=4, 5=5, 6=6 or more people |
epvrelq1/2 | item | post-visit | pv22rel | Rate
the quality of the parent-child relationship (in-home post-visit), see value
labels | integer | ordinal | 2=slightly or very
negative, 3=average, 4=mostly good, 5=positive |
epvroom1/2 | item | post-visit | pv3room | How
many rooms are there (in-home post-visit), see value labels | integer |
ordinal | 1=4 or fewer, 2=5, 3=6, 4=7-8, 5=9 or more |
epvwarm1/2 | item | post-visit | pv21pc | How
warm were the parent-child interactions (in-home post-visit), see value
labels | integer | ordinal | 2=reserved or cold,
3=average, 4=somewhat warm, 5=warm |
epvyell1/2 | item | post-visit | pv23yell | How
much did the parent yell or raise voice (in-home post-visit), see value
labels | integer | ordinal | 1=not at all, 2=a little or some,
3=more than average or a lot |
etestage | derived | admin | - | Age of twins at
time of in home visit (decimal years) | decimal | quantitative |
4 to 5 (years) |
etestLLCage | derived | admin | - |
Age of twin at time of in home visit (for use in LLC TRE), months |
integer | quantitative |
approx. 49 to 59 (months) |
etestLLCdate | derived | admin | - |
Date of in home visit (for use in LLC TRE), yyyy-mm string |
string | date value |
approx. '1998-04' to '2001-05' |
ezactgr1/2 | derived | child | - | ecactgr
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -3 to +2 (standardised) |
ezactin1/2 | derived | child | - | ecactin
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -5 to +2 (standardised) |
ezartic1/2 | derived | child | - | Articulation
composite (in-home child), standardised to control distribution |
decimal | scale value | approx -4 to +2 (standardised) |
ezbasgt1/2 | derived | child | - | ecbasgt
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -5 to +2 (standardised) |
ezbaslt1/2 | derived | child | - | ecbaslt
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -15 to +1 (standardised) |
ezbast1/2 | derived | child | - | ecbast
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -10 to +1 (standardised) |
ezbusa51/2 | derived | child | - | ecbusa5
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -2 to +3 (standardised) |
ezbusin1/2 | derived | child | - | ecbusin
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -2 to +3 (standardised) |
ezbussc1/2 | derived | child | - | ecbussc
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -1 to +6 (standardised) |
ezbussl1/2 | derived | child | - | ecbussl
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -2 to +3 (standardised) |
ezllan1/2 | derived | child | - | Language
composite, Long version from 8 components (in-home child), standardised to
control distribution | decimal | scale value | approx -7
to +3 (standardised) |
ezlnv1/2 | derived | child | - | Non-Verbal
composite, Long version from 9 components (in-home child), standardised to
control distribution | decimal | scale value | approx -5
to +3 (standardised) |
ezmcblo1/2 | derived | child | - | ecmcblo
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -6 to +1 (standardised) |
ezmccgr1/2 | derived | child | - | ecmccgr
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -3 to +2 (standardised) |
ezmcchi1/2 | derived | child | - | ecmcchi
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -3 to +2 (standardised) |
ezmccso1/2 | derived | child | - | ecmccso
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -3 to +2 (standardised) |
ezmcdes1/2 | derived | child | - | ecmcdes
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -2 to +5 (standardised) |
ezmcgci1/2 | derived | child | - | ecmcgci
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -4 to +3 (standardised) |
ezmcimi1/2 | derived | child | - | ecmcimi
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -3 to +1 (standardised) |
ezmcmmi1/2 | derived | child | - | ecmcmmi
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -3 to +3 (standardised) |
ezmcmti1/2 | derived | child | - | ecmcmti
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -4 to +3 (standardised) |
ezmcnmt1/2 | derived | child | - | ecmcnmt
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -2 to +5 (standardised) |
ezmcnum1/2 | derived | child | - | ecmcnum
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -4 to +4 (standardised) |
ezmcopp1/2 | derived | child | - | ecmcopp
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -2 to +2 (standardised) |
ezmcpic1/2 | derived | child | - | ecmcpic
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -2 to +2 (standardised) |
ezmcppi1/2 | derived | child | - | ecmcppi
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -5 to +4 (standardised) |
ezmcpuz1/2 | derived | child | - | ecmcpuz
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -2 to +2 (standardised) |
ezmcqni1/2 | derived | child | - | ecmcqni
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -4 to +4 (standardised) |
ezmctap1/2 | derived | child | - | ecmctap
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -2 to +3 (standardised) |
ezmcvbi1/2 | derived | child | - | ecmcvbi
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -3 to +3 (standardised) |
ezmcvfl1/2 | derived | child | - | ecmcvfl
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -2 to +3 (standardised) |
ezmcvmt1/2 | derived | child | - | ecmcvmt
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -2 to +2 (standardised) |
ezmcvst1/2 | derived | child | - | ecmcvst
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -1 to +3 (standardised) |
ezmcvws1/2 | derived | child | - | ecmcvws
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -2 to +2 (standardised) |
ezmcwkt1/2 | derived | child | - | ecmcwkt
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -4 to +4 (standardised) |
ezmcwov1/2 | derived | child | - | ecmcwov
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -1 to +5 (standardised) |
ezmcwpv1/2 | derived | child | - | ecmcwpv
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -15 to +0.2 (standardised) |
eznont1/2 | derived | child | - | ecnont
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -3 to +1 (standardised) |
ezpht1/2 | derived | child | - | ecpht
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -2 to +2 (standardised) |
ezslan1/2 | derived | child | - | Language
composite, Short version from 7 components (in-home child), standardised to
control distribution | decimal | scale value | approx -7
to +3 (standardised) |
ezsnv1/2 | derived | child | - | Non-Verbal
composite, Short version from 4 components (in-home child), standardised to
control distribution | decimal | scale value | approx -5
to +4 (standardised) |
eztgft1/2 | derived | child | - | ectgft
standardised to control distribution (in-home child) | decimal |
scale value | approx -3 to +1 (standardised) |