TEDS Data Dictionary

The 16 Year Mill Hill Vocabulary Web Test

Contents of this page:


This page describes the Mill Hill Vocabulary test, which was included in the 16 Year twin web study.

Description of Test

This web test is based on the Mill Hill vocabulary scale. Note that this is a quite different vocabulary test from the WISC-III test used at earlier ages.

The test consists of a series of multiple choice questions. In each question, a single word is presented at the top of the screen. Below it, 6 other words, labelled A, B, C, D, E and F are presented as the response options. Twins respond by clicking on the response they think is closest in meaning to the word at the top of the screen. There is only one correct response for each question. The stimulous and response words for each question are tabulated in full in the table of test items below.

The 33 items are presented in numerical item number order, without branching. The test is discontinued if 7 consecutive items are answered incorrectly. There is no time limit for responding to each item, so item timeouts do not occur. A "come back later" button is presented on screen for all items.

Test Rules

  • Scoring
    For each item, the correct response is given a score of 1, and any other response is given a score of 0. Any question omitted due to the discontinue rule is given a score of 0. The total test score is the sum of the item scores. The maximum total score for the test is 33.
  • Discontinue rule
    Discontinue the test after seven consecutive items are answered incorrectly (with zero score).

Item Variables

The item variables relating to the Mill Hill vocabulary test, as listed in the table below, were generated automatically by programs on the web server during the course of the test. Note that the dataset only includes data for completed tests. If a twin started the test but left it unfinished, then the data for the test were not used.

In most cases the values of these variables have been left unaltered, although some have been recoded during data cleaning as follows. See the web data cleaning page for further details.

  • For items skipped due to the discontinue rule, the item response variable is recoded from missing to -2, and the item score is recoded from missing to 0.
  • For items that crashed or malfunctioned in any way, the item response variable is recoded from missing to -4, and the item score is recoded from missing to 0.
  • For twins identified as random responders in this test, the status flag is recoded from 2 to 4, the data flag is recoded from 1 to 0, and all item variables are recoded to missing (test data deleted)

The test start and end dates and times, and item answer and download times, have not been retained in the dataset.

pcvcstat1/2 Status flag: outcome of test 0=not started, 1=started but not finished, 2=successfully completed, 4=random responses
pcvcdata1/2 Data flag: is test data present? 0=no, 1=yes
pcvctot1/2 Total score for this test, out of 33. 0 to 33 (integer values)
pcvcquan1/2 Number of questions answered in the test (excluding discontinued items) integer values up to 33
pcvcstdt1/2 Start date of the test [not in dataset] Date values
pcvcsttm1/2 Start time of the test [not in dataset] Time values
pcvcendt1/2 End date of the test [not in dataset] Date values
pcvcentm1/2 End time of the test [not in dataset] Time values
pcvcsess1/2 Number of sessions (at the computer) used by the twin to complete the test. Integer values of 1 or above
pcvctmel1/2 Total time elapsed during the test, in seconds Integer values (number of seconds)
(XX is the item number 01 to 33)
Item response 1=A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=D, 5=E, 6=F, -2=discontinued, -4=item crashed
(XX is the item number 01 to 33)
Item score 0=incorrect, 1=correct
(XX is the item number 01 to 33)
Answer time: length of time (in seconds) taken by the twin to respond to this item [not in dataset] Integer values (number of seconds)
(XX is the item number 01 to 33)
Download time: length of time (in seconds) between the end of the previous item and the start of this item; time needed to download files for this item [not in dataset] Integer values (number of seconds)

Test Items

Item no.WordResponse AResponse B Response CResponse DResponse EResponse F Correct Response
1Fascinatedill-treatedpoisoned frightenedmodelledcharmedcopiedE
2Libertyfreedomrichforest worryserviettecheerfulA
3Stubbornsteadyobstinateorderly hopefulhollowslackB
4Precisenaturalfaultystupid exactgrandsmallD
5Resemblancememoryassembleattendance fondnessreposelikenessF
6Anonymousapplicableinsulting namelessmagnificentfictitiousuntrueC
7Elevateraiserevolvewaver moveworkdisperseA
8Taskhorntrapproblemgame jailjobF
9 Courteousdreadfulpolitecurtsy proudshorttruthfulB
10 Prosperimaginesucceedpunish proposebeseechtrespassB
11 Lavishunaccountableromantic extravagantselfishlawfulpraiseC
12 Immersefrequentreverserise hugdipshowE
13 Conciliate congregatepacify compressreverseradiatestrengthenB
14 Envisageenfeeblesurroundactivate contemplateestrangeregressD
15 Amuletcameoflirtationcharm jacketcrestsavouryC
16 Garruloustalkativemassive ridiculousdaringuglyfastA
17 Libertineprofligatefarrago regiciderescuercanardmissionaryA
18 Bombasticdemocraticbickering destructiveanxiouscautiouspompousF
19 Levityparsimonysalutaryalacrity frivolityvelleitytariffD
20 Whimcomplaintonicwind noisefancyrushE
21 Ruselimbtrickcolourpaste burnrudeB
22 Recumbentfugitiveunwieldypenitent cumbersomerepellingrecliningF
23 Querulousastringentpetulant inquiringfearfulcuriousspuriousB
24 Temerityimpermanencenervousness punctualityrashnessstabilitysubmissiveness D
25 Fecundesculentprofoundsublime optativeprolificsalicE
26 Abnegatecontradictrenouncebelie decryexecuteassembleB
27 Traducechallengesuspend misrepresentattenuateestablishconcludeC
28 Vagaryvagabondobscurityevasion capricevulgarityfallacyD
29 Speciousfallaciouspalatial nutritiouscoevaltypicalflexibleA
30 Sedulousrebelliouscomplaisant seductivedilatorydiligentcredulousE
31 Nugatoryinimitablesublime numismaticadamantcontrarytriflingF
32 Adumbrateforeshadowdetect elaborateprotecteradicateapproachA
33 Minatoryimplacablebelittling depositorydiminutivequiescentthreatening F