Pathfinder: A 15-minute, online, gamified measure of g.
TEDS researchers have developed a new and highly reliable measure of general cognitive ability (g). We are excited to share more about it and how you can use it in your research.
The genetics of general psychopathology in childhood and adolescence
Researchers from TEDS published an article about the genetics of the ‘p factor’ across childhood and adolescence. What is the p factor and what did they find?
Genetic correlates of psychological responses to the COVID-19 crisis in young adult twins in Great Britain
TEDS researchers investigated how COVID-19 and the initial lockdown psychologically affect young adult twins
Genomic Prediction of Cognitive Traits in Childhood and Adolescence
Genomic prediction of cognitive related traits
Polygenic scores in TEDS
Polygenic scores, personalised predictors of genetic liability towards a trait, are becoming increasingly important to TEDS research. We are excited to share our new database listing those which are available in TEDS!