Helpful Websites for Twins and Their Families
Clicking on any of the links below will open a web page in a new window. TEDS is not responsible for the content of external sites.
Websites related to TEDS
- TEDS is based at King's College London (KCL)
Confidential emotional support
- Samaritans (call 116 123) provides confidential, non-judgemental emotional support, 24 hours a day.
- AnxietyUK is a national charity which supports people affected by anxiety, stress and anxiety-based depression.
- Shout is a textline. Text SHOUT to 85258 for free, confidential 24/7 support over text.
- SANE is a national mental health helpline that offers out-of-hours support and information to anyone impacted by mental illness.
- Calm (0800 58 58 58) offers confidential and anonymous phone and web-based support between 5pm and midnight 7 days a week for people in the UK.
- Women's Aid offers advice and support to women experiencing domestic abuse.
- Men's Advice Line (0808 801 0327) is a helpline for male victims of domestic abuse which offers support, practical advice and information, Mon-Fri 9am-8pm.
- National Bullying Helpline (0808 800 2222) provides help and support for anyone experiencing bullying.
- Beat offers support, online and over the phone, about eating disorders.
General useful mental health resources
- Mind provides advice and support about mental health.
- The Mental Health Foundation provides information about mental health conditions, research and support.
- Rethink Mental Illness offers support and advice for people living with mental illness.
- Living Life to the Full offers a range of free online courses covering low mood, stress and resilience.
- Headspace provides guided and accessible meditations.
- SAM is an app which helps you understand and manage anxiety.
Substance use information and support:
- Drinkline (0300 123 1110) provides confidential advice and information over the phone to anyone who is worried about their own or someone else’s drinking
- Smokefree National Helpline (0300 123 1044) offers advice and support on how to stop smoking.
- Frank offers free and confidential information and advice about drugs.
Learning difficulties and disorders
- ADHD (attention deficity hyperactivity disorder). ADDISS is the Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service, offering help and support related to ADHD
- ASD (autistic spectrum disorders). The National Autistic Society is the leading UK charity for families affected by all forms of ASD
- Dyslexia. The British Dyslexia Association (BDA) is a society set up to help dyslexic people
- Dyspraxia. The Dyspraxia Foundation is a UK charity that supports people with dyspraxia
Information and advice for parents
- Twins Trust (Previously known as TAMBA) is the largest UK organisation supporting multiple-birth families.
- Family Lives is a UK charity, giving advice and support relating to a broad range of family and parenting topics.
- Families under pressure is a set of videos written by researchers and NHS mental health experts which provide simple tips and tricks proven to work with families.
- General parenting advice can also be found at BBC parenting website.
- Advice about children's use of mobile phones, the internet and social media is given on the Digital Family web site run by mobile company O2.
- Gingerbread is a support organisation for lone parent families in England and Wales.
- One Parent Families Scotland offers various forms of support including a telephone helpline.