TEDS Data Dictionary

12 Year Measures

Contents of this page:


The tables below summarise the measures used in the 12 Year study. Each measure is identified by the web/telephone test name, or by the section heading and page number in the booklet/questionnaire. The number of items in each measure is shown, but note that some of these items have two or more parts, giving two or more item variables.

The final column of each table shows dataset scales that are related to each measure; each variable name here is a link that will take you to the relevant item in the 12 Year derived variables page.

Child Test Measures

The table below refers to the web tests and the TOWRE telephone test (pdf).

Test type Test No. of items Description of measure References Related scales
Telephone test:
TOWRE 4 TOWRE tests of Sight Word Efficiency ("Word" test) and Phonemic Decoding Efficiency ("Non-word" test).

See the TOWRE stimulus sheets (pdfs) for the items of this test. For each sub-test, the score was the number of items correctly read by the twin. The two practice tests (of 8 items each) were not timed, but the two main tests were each timed at 45 seconds: twins were asked to read as many items as they could during this time.
Torgesen, JK, Wagner, RK and Rashotte CA (1999): TOWRE (Test of Word Reading Efficiency); Austin, Texas: Pro-Ed Overall composite score ltowt1/2
Web test:
Spot the Picture Game
85 Peabody Individual Achievement Test (PIAT), Reading Comprehension.

This test included 82 main items (numbered from 19 to 100), preceded by 3 practice sentences. The test made use of extensive branching and a discontinue rule.
This is a modified version of the PIAT web test used in the 10 Year study: the number of practice items has been reduced; the branching and discontinue rules have been changed; and the 'correct' response to one item has been amended. Other than this, the items themselves are unchanged. For a full description of the test, see the PIAT web test page.
Markwardt, F. C. (1997), Peabody Individual Achievement Test - Revised, Circle Pines, MN: American Guidance Service. Adjusted total score lpitota1/2.

Mean item answer time lpiatm1/2
Web test:
(Reading Fluency)
98 Woodcock-Johnson III Reading Fluency

Up to 98 yes/no statements, within a 3 minute time limit. Children need to indicate yes or no (true or false) for each statement, as quickly as they can.
For a full description of the test, see the Yes/No web test page.
Woodcock, R. W., McGrew, K. S., & Mather, N. (2001). Woodcock-Johnson III. Itasca, IL: Riverside Publishing Mean item answer time lynatm1/2
Web test:
What do you think?
(GOAL, or Reading Comprehension)
36 GOAL Formative Assessment in Literacy (Key Stage 3)

Multiple-choice test of reading comprehension ability (involves branching).
For a full description of the test, see the GOAL web test page.
GOAL plc (2002).GOAL Formative Assessment: Key Stage 3. London: Hodder & Stoughton. Adjusted total score lgotota1/2.

Mean item answer time lgoatm1/2
Web test:
Number Game
95 Based on nfer Nelson Maths 5-14 Series, which is linked closely to curriculum requirements in the UK and the English Numeracy Strategy.

The items were taken from National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) booklets 6 to 14. Items were chosen to cover levels 1 to 8 of the National Curriculum for Mathematics, in each of three categories.
This is an extended version of the Mathematics web test used in the 10 Year study: each of the three sub-tests has been extended to include 6 additional items at a higher level of difficulty. The test is unchanged in other respects.
For a full description of the test, see the Mathematics web test page.

The booklets Mathematics 6 through to Mathematics 14 each have the following components, all published by NferNelson Publishing Company Ltd:

  • Curriculum Links Sheet: © NFER (2001)
  • Items: most items © NFER (1999, 1998 or 1994), remaining items © Peter Patilla (1994)
  • Test selection and arrangement: © NFER and Peter Patilla (1994, 1998 or 1999)
  • Teacher’s Guides: Hagues, N., Courtenay, D., & Patilla, P. (1994) for books 7-11, Mason, K., Hagues, N. & Patilla, P. (1998) for books 12-14.
Maths sub-test scores:
lma1tot1/2, lma2tot1/2, lma3tot1/2

Adjusted total score lmatota1/2.

Mean item answer time lmaatm1/2
Web test:
Cognitive (non-verbal)
Pattern Game
(Ravens Matrices)
24 Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices.

This test included 24 items in all, divided into 4 categories of 6 items each.
This is a revised version of the Ravens test used in the 10 Year study: the test has been shortened by dropping sub-tests A and B, and by dropping even-numbered items from sub-tests C, D and E; at the same time, the difficulty range of the test has been extended by adding 6 items in a new sub-test F; and the branching rule has been dropped (but the discontinue rule retained).
For a full description of the test, see the Ravens web test page.
Raven, J.C., Court, J.H., & Raven, J. (1996), Manual for Raven's Progressive Matrices and Vocabulary Scales, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Adjusted total score lrvtota1/2.

Mean item answer time lrvatm1/2
Web test:
Cognitive (non-verbal)
What's Missing?
(Picture Completion)
30 WISC-III-UK Picture Completion.

This is identical to the Picture Completion web test that was used in the 10 Year study.
For a full description of the test, see the Picture Completion web test page.
Wechsler, D. (1992), Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Third Edition UK (WISC-III-UK) Manual, London: The Psychological Corporation. Mean item answer time lpcatm1/2
Web test:
Cognitive (verbal)
Word Quiz
30 WISC-III-PI Vocabulary Multiple-Choice.

This is identical to the Vocabulary web test that was used in the 10 Year study.
For a full description of the test, see the Vocabulary web test page.
Kaplan, E., Fein, D., Kramer, J., Delis, D., & Morris, R. (1999), WISC-III as a Process Instrument (WISC-III-PI), New York: The Psychological Corporation. Adjusted total score lvctota1/2.

Mean item answer time lvcatm1/2
Web test:
Cognitive (verbal)
General Knowledge Quiz 30 WISC-III-PI Information Multiple-Choice.

This is an adapted version of the General Knowledge web test that was used in the 10 Year study: the items and discontinue rule are the same, but the branching rule has been changed so that twins enter the test at a higher level of difficulty.

For a full description of the test, see the General Knowledge web test page.
Kaplan, E., Fein, D., Kramer, J., Delis, D., & Morris, R. (1999), WISC-III as a Process Instrument (WISC-III-PI), New York: The Psychological Corporation. Adjusted total score lgktota1/2.

Mean item answer time lgkatm1/2

Overall Cognitive scales (from General Knowledge, Vocabulary, Ravens and Picture Completion tests):
lcg1/2, lcnv1/2, lcvb1/2
Web Test:
(Figurative Language)
11 Test of Language Competence (Expanded Edition). Semantics: The Figurative Language subtest.

For a full description of the test, see the Expressions web test page.
Wiig, E. H., Secord, W., & Sabers, D. (1989). Test of Language Competence - Expanded Edition. San Antonio, TX, The Psychological Corporation. Mean item answer time lflatm1/2
Web Test:
Why's that?
(Making Inferences)
11 Test of Language Competence (Expanded Edition). Pragmatics: The Making Inferences subtest.

For a full description of the test, see the Inferences web test page.
Mean item answer time linatm1/2
Web Test:
Say it again
(TOAL, or Listening Grammar)
35 The Listening Grammar subtest of the TOAL-3.

For a full description of the test, see the TOAL web test page.
Hammill, D. D., Brown, V. L., Larsen, S. C., & Wiederholt, J. L. (1994). Test of Adolescent and Adult Language (TOAL-3). Austin, TX, Pro-Ed. Re-computed total score, basal point and ceiling point: ltotot1/2, ltobasal1/2, ltoceiling1/2.

Adjusted total score ltotota1/2.

Mean item answer time ltoatm1/2
Web Test:
Hidden Shapes 27 Hidden Shapes items taken from the NferNelson Spatial Reasoning series of books.

For a full description of the test, see the Hidden Shapes web test page.
Items were taken from three booklets, all published by NferNelson Publishing Company Ltd, all © NFER (2002). The booklet titles are Items from Spatial Reasoning pupil booklet, at ages 8 and 9, 10 and 11 and 12 to 14.

Each pupil booklet is accompanied by a teacher's guide, published by NferNelson Publishing Company Ltd, by Smith, P & Lord, T.R. (2002). The teacher's guides are entitled Teacher’s Guide, Spatial Reasoning, at ages 8 and 9, 10 and 11 and 12 to 14.
Adjusted total score lhstota1/2.

Mean item answer time lhsatm1/2
Web Test:
Jigsaws 28 Jigsaws items taken from the NferNelson Spatial Reasoning series of books.

For a full description of the test, see the Jigsaws web test page.
Adjusted total score ljgtota1/2.

Mean item answer time ljgatm1/2
Web Test:
Affective Processing
Eyes 28 Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test (children's version), adapted from Baron-Cohen et al. The test is designed to detect subtle individual differences in social sensitivity and theory of mind ability.

For a full description of the test, see the Eyes web test page.
  • Baron-Cohen, S., Wheelwright, S., Hill, J., Raste, Y., & Plumb, I. (2001a). The "Reading the Mind in the Eyes" Test revised version: a study with normal adults, and adults with Asperger syndrome or high-functioning autism. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry & Allied Disciplines, 42, 241-251.
  • Baron-Cohen, S., Wheelwright, S., Scahill, V., Lawson, J., & Spong, A. (2001b). Are intuitive physics and intuitive psychology independent? A test with children with Asperger Syndrome. Journal of Developmental and Learning Disorders, 5, 47-78.
Mean item answer time leyatm1/2
Web test: Environment Questionnaire Tell Us About You
(Maths and Reading Questionnaire + Author Recognition Test)
23 This activity included a number of questionnaire items, followed by the Author Recognition test.

The environment questionnaire items were apapted from NAEP (2005). The questionnaire related generally to maths and reading in the home and school environments. The version of the environment questionnaire used in wave 1 was identical to the version used in the 10 Year study. However, a number of changes were made for wave 2: 5 items were dropped and 12 new items added (increasing the total number of items from 15 to 22); the ordering of the items was changed; and there were minor changes to the wording of some items.

The Author Recognition test was appended as the final item, so it formed part of the same web activity. This is a modified version of the test that was used in the 10 Year study (a different list of authors was used). For this test, a list of 42 author names is presented on screen. 21 are names of real authors, and 21 are dummy names. The twins are asked to select all the real author names. This test was adapted by Nicole Harlaar from the original version designed by Keith Stanovich and colleagues. Adaptation was necessary because the authors in the original version were dated.

For a full description of the questionnaire and Author Recognition test, see the Maths and Reading Questionnaire page.
  • Maths questions: NAEP (2005). Mathematics: Student Background Questionnaire (Grade 4). Retrieved June 8, 2006, from nces.ed.gov (pdf). (We adapted some of the items, so they're not taken verbatim from these questionnaires)
  • Reading questions: NAEP (2005). Reading: Student Background Questionnaire (Grade 4). Retrieved June 8, 2006, from nces.ed.gov (pdf). (Note that this was an adaptation of this questionnaire; we didn't use the full questionnaire because it was too long. We also anglicised some of the words).
  • Author Recognition test: Stanovich, K. E. & West, R. F. (1989). Exposure to print and orthographic processing. Reading Research Quarterly, 24, 402-433.
Maths and Literacy Environment scales:
lmatenv1/2, llitenf1/2, llitenv1/2, llitenx1/2

Author Recognition test scores:
larcort1/2, larinct1/2, lartot1/2

Environment Questionnaire mean item answer time lqnatm1/2

Overall web test times (for entire test batteries):
lbat1tm1/2, lbat2tm1/2, ltottm1/2

Child Booklet Measures

The table below refers to pages and items in the child booklet (pdf).

Booklet section, pages No. of items Description of measure References Related scales
Questions about your home,
page 1
6 CHAOS (Confusion, Hubbub and Order Scale) at home,
adapted from the full-length version as in the TEDS 9 Year booklets.
Matheny et al (1995). Bringing order out of chaos: Psychometric characteristics of the Confusion, Hubbub and Order Scale, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 16, 429 - 444. Chaos scale:
Questions asking how good you think you are,
page 2
12 Motivational items, "how good..." Designed by Frank Spinath and Nicole Harlaar, based on National Curriculum. Motivational Perceived Ability scales:
lcpaaca1/2, lcpaeng1/2, lcpamat1/2, lcpaphy1/2, lcpasci1/2
Questions about how much you like,
page 3
12 Motivational items, "how much do you like..." Designed by Frank Spinath and Nicole Harlaar, based on National Curriculum. Motivational liking scales:
lcliaca1/2, lclieng1/2, lclimat1/2, lcliphy1/2, lclisci1/2

Overal Motivational Academic scale:
How often has another pupil done these things to you,
page 4
16 Multidimensional Peer Victimisation Scale Mynard, H., & Joseph, S. (2000). Development of the Multidimensional Peer-Victimization Scale. Aggressive Behavior, 26, 169-178. Victimization scales:
lcvicph1/2, lcvicpr1/2, lcvicso1/2, lcvicve1/2
Questions about the parent you spend the most time with,
page 5
  1. Parental discipline (first 6 items), derived from Deater-Deckard et al (1998).
  2. Parental feelings (last 7 items): a shortened version of the parental feelings questionnaire (PFQ) from Deater-Deckard (2000).
  1. Deater-Deckard, K., Dodge, K. A., Bates, J. E., & Pettit, G. S. (1998). Multiple risk factors in the development of externalising behaviour problems: Group and individual differences. Development and Psychopathology, 10, 469 - 493.
  2. Deater-Deckard, K. (2000). Parenting and child behavioural adjustment in early childhood: A quantitative genetic approach to studying family processes. Child Development, 71, 468 - 484.
Parental discipline scales:
lcdisnegt1/2, lcdispost1/2, lcdisavot1/2

Parental feelings scales:
lcparnegt1/2, lcparpost1/2, lcpart1/2
Questions about how you might have been feeling or acting recently,
page 6
11 MFQ (Moods and Feelings Questionnaire) Angold, A., Costello, E. J., Messer, S. C., Pickles, A., Winder, F., & Silver, D. (1995). The development of a short questionnaire for use in epidemiological studies of depression in children and adolescents. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 5, 1-12. MFQ total scales:
lcmfqt1/2, lcemfqt1/2
Questions about your physical development,
pages 7-8
  1. Self-reported height and weight (2 items).
  2. PDS Pubertal Scale (9 items).
Petersen Pubertal Development Scale, Petersen AC, Crockett L, Richards M, Boxer A. A self-report measure of pubertal status: reliability, validity, and initial norms. J Youth Adolesc.1988; 17 :117–133 Twin BMI:

Puberty scale:
Menstruation onset age: lcpub5age1/2
How things have been for you over the last 3 months,
pages 9-10
25 SDQ (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire), child self-report version
  • Goodman, R. (1997). The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire: A research note. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 38, 581-586.
  • Goodman, R. (2001). Psychometric properties of the strengths and difficulties questionnaire. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 40, 1337-1345.
  • Goodman, R., & Scott, S. (1999). Comparing the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and the Child Behavior Checklist: is small beautiful? Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 27, 17-24.
SDQ scales:
lcsdqemot1/2, lcsdqcont1/2, lcsdqhypt1/2, lcsdqpert1/2, lcsdqprot1/2, lcsdqbeht1/2

Parent Measures

The table below summarises measures in the very brief parent NC level questionnaire (pdf) (first row of table) and the much longer parent booklet (pdf) (remainder of table, with page numbers given).

Booklet pages, item numbers No. of items Description of measure References Related scales
Parent NC level questionnaire 3 National Curriculum levels (1 to 7) for English, Mathematics and Science, as reported by schools to parents at the end of the school year. See National Curriculum levels in the teacher questionnaire measures below. Academic achievement scales.
Mean levels:
lp2ac1/2, lp3ac1/2
Page 1,
items 1-20
20 Adult Literacy Questionnaire Vinegrad, M. A Revised Adult Dyslexia Checklist. Educare, no. 48, pp. 21-23, March 1994. -
Pages 2-3,
items 1-30
30 CAST (Childhood Asperger Syndrome Test)
  • Scott, F. J., Baron-Cohen, S., Bolton, P., & Brayne, C. (2002). The CAST (Childhood Asperger Syndrome Test): Preliminary development of a UK screen for mainstream primary-school-age children. Autism, 6, 9-31.
  • Williams, J., Scott, F., Stott, C., Allison, C., Bolton, P., Baron-Cohen, S., & Brayne, C. (2005). The CAST (Childhood Asperger Syndrome Test): test accuracy. Autism, 9 (1), 45-68.
CAST scales:
lpcasot1/2, lpcanot1/2, lpcacot1/2, lpcastt1/2
Page 3,
Please answer these questions about your home,
items 1-5
5 CHAOS (Confusion, Hubbub and Order Scale) at home,
adapted from the full-length version as in the TEDS 9 Year booklets.
Matheny et al (1995). Bringing order out of chaos: Psychometric characteristics of the Confusion, Hubbub and Order Scale. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 16, 429 - 444. Chaos scale:
Pages 3-4,
items 1-18
18 Conners: parent rating scale, revised (CPRS-R).
This 18-item DSM-IV ADHD symptom subscale taken from the revised parent Conners’ rating scale was used as the measure of inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive symptoms.
Conners C.K. (2003): Conners’ Rating Scales-Revised: Technical Manual. New York: Multi-Health System Inc. Conners scales:
lpconhit1/2, lpconint1/2, lpconnt1/2
Page 4,
When my child misbehaves I use the following methods,
items 1-6
6 Parental discipline, derived from Deater-Deckard et al (1998). Deater-Deckard, K., Dodge, K. A., Bates, J. E., & Pettit, G. S. (1998). Multiple risk factors in the development of externalising behaviour problems: Group and individual differences. Development and Psychopathology, 10, 469 - 493. Parental discipline scales:
lpdisnegt1/2, lpdispost1/2, lpdisavot1/2
Page 5,
Every parent experiences all sorts of positive and negative feelings towards their children,
items 1-7
7 Parental feelings: a shortened version of the parental feelings questionnaire (PFQ) from Deater-Deckard (2000). Deater-Deckard, K. (2000). Parenting and child behavioural adjustment in early childhood: A quantitative genetic approach to studying family processes. Child Development, 71, 468 - 484. Parental feelings scales:
lpparnegt1/2, lpparpost1/2, lppart1/2
Pages 5-6,
items 1-25
25 SDQ (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire)
  • Goodman, R. (1997). The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire: A research note. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 38, 581-586.
  • Goodman, R. (2001). Psychometric properties of the strengths and difficulties questionnaire. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 40, 1337-1345.
  • Goodman, R., & Scott, S. (1999). Comparing the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and the Child Behavior Checklist: is small beautiful? Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 27, 17-24.
SDQ scales:
lpsdqemot1/2, lpsdqcont1/2, lpsdqhypt1/2, lpsdqpert1/2, lpsdqprot1/2, lpsdqbeht1/2
Pages 6-7,
These questions are about how your child may have been feeling or acting recently,
items 1-11
11 MFQ (Moods and Feelings Questionnaire) Angold, A., Costello, E. J., Messer, S. C., Pickles, A., Winder, F., & Silver, D. (1995). The development of a short questionnaire for use in epidemiological studies of depression in children and adolescents. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 5, 1-12. MFQ total scales:
lpmfqt1/2, lpemfqt1/2
Pages 7-8,
items 1-20
20 APSD (Antisocial Process Screening Device) Frick, P. J., & Hare, R. D. (2001). Antisocial Process Screening Device. Toronto: Multi Health Systems. APSD scales:
lpcalt1/2, lpnart1/2, lpimpt1/2, lpapsdt1/2

Teacher Questionnaire Measures

The table below refers to pages and items in the teacher questionnaire (pdf).

Booklet pages, item numbers No. of items Description of measure References Related scales
Pages 1-2,
items 1-25
25 SDQ (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire)
  • Goodman, R. (1997). The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire: A research note. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 38, 581-586.
  • Goodman, R. (2001). Psychometric properties of the strengths and difficulties questionnaire. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 40, 1337-1345.
  • Goodman, R., & Scott, S. (1999). Comparing the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and the Child Behavior Checklist: is small beautiful? Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 27, 17-24.
SDQ scales:
ltsdqcont1/2, ltsdqemot1/2, ltsdqhypt1/2, ltsdqpert1/2, ltsdqprot1/2, ltsdqbeht1/2
Page 2,
items 1-20
20 APSD (Antisocial Process Screening Device) Frick, P. J., & Hare, R. D. (2001). Antisocial Process Screening Device. Toronto: Multi Health Systems. APSD scales:
ltcalt1/2, ltnart1/2, ltimpt1/2, ltapsdt1/2
Page 3,
items 1-30
30 CAST (Childhood Asperger Syndrome Test)
  • Scott, F. J., Baron-Cohen, S., Bolton, P., & Brayne, C. (2002). The CAST (Childhood Asperger Syndrome Test): Preliminary development of a UK screen for mainstream primary-school-age children. Autism, 6, 9-31.
  • Williams, J., Scott, F., Stott, C., Allison, C., Bolton, P., Baron-Cohen, S., & Brayne, C. (2005). The CAST (Childhood Asperger Syndrome Test): test accuracy. Autism, 9 (1), 45-68.
CAST scales:
ltcasot1/2, ltcanot1/2, ltcacot1/2, ltcastt1/2
Page 4,
Academic Achievement,
items 1-2
2 Special Educational Needs.
Child has SEN statement/on SEN register
- -
Page 4,
National Curriculum Ratings
(not numbered)
11 National Curriculum levels (1 to 8 plus 'exceptional performance') for English, Mathematics and Science QCA (2001): National Curriculum in Action, English/Mathematics/Science Level Descriptions.
The contemporary documents are no longer available online but the National Curriculum descriptions, archived on 10 August 2011, are available at: The National Archives: National Curriculum)
Academic achievement scales.
Mean levels:
lt2ac1/2, lt3ac1/2, lteng1/2, ltmat1/2, ltsci1/2